소스 검색

Merge branch 'eq_dev' of into eq_dev

yx 4 년 전
2개의 변경된 파일2개의 추가작업 그리고 550개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 2 13
  2. 0 537

+ 2 - 13

@@ -178,14 +178,12 @@ export default {
     computed: {
-    props: ['row', 'major', 'sign', 'smsxt', 'diff'],
     mounted() {
-        this.assetnum = this.row.assetnum
-        this.changeTab(0)
-        this.tabFind()
+        this.tabFind()
+    props: ['row', 'major', 'sign', 'smsxt', 'diff'],
     methods: {
         tabClick(item) {
             this.activeId = item
@@ -343,11 +341,6 @@ export default {
-        changePageEvent() {
-            if (this.sign == 1) {
-                this.page = 1
-            }
-        },
         // 更改tab页签,切换组件
         changeTab(index) {
             this.currentTab = index
@@ -362,7 +355,6 @@ export default {
     watch: {
         row: {
             handler(newV, oldV) {
-                this.changePageEvent()
@@ -370,15 +362,12 @@ export default {
             deep: true,
         sbglgs() {
-            this.changePageEvent()
         status() {
-            this.changePageEvent()
         floor() {
-            this.changePageEvent()

+ 0 - 537

@@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
-    <!-- 详情页面 -->
-    <div class='gdqd-dialog'>
-        <div class='top'></div>
-        <div class='gdqd-dialog-top'>
-            <el-input
-                placeholder='搜索设备简称编号'
-                style='width:192px;margin-right:12px'
-                size='small'
-                prefix-icon='el-icon-search'
-                v-model='sbjc'
-                clearable
-                @keyup.enter.native='queryTableList'
-                @blur='queryTableList'
-            ></el-input>
-            <Select v-model='sbglgs' width='180' tipPlace='top' caption='管理归属:' size='small' :selectdata='sbglgsOption' @change='queryTableList'></Select>
-            <Select
-                width='160'
-                style='margin: 0 12px;'
-                v-model='status'
-                tipPlace='top'
-                caption='设备状态:'
-                size='small'
-                :selectdata='statusOption'
-                @change='queryTableList'
-            ></Select>
-            <el-input
-                placeholder='搜索品牌、型号'
-                style='width:180px;margin-right:12px'
-                size='small'
-                clearable
-                prefix-icon='el-icon-search'
-                v-model='brand'
-                @keyup.enter.native='queryTableList'
-                @blur='queryTableList'
-            ></el-input>
-            <Select
-                width='150'
-                style='margin-right:12px;'
-                v-model='floor'
-                tipPlace='top'
-                caption='楼层:'
-                size='small'
-                :selectdata='floorAllSelect'
-                @change='queryTableList'
-            ></Select>
-            <el-input
-                placeholder='搜索安装位置'
-                @keyup.enter.native='queryTableList'
-                @blur='queryTableList'
-                clearable
-                style='width:180px;margin-right:12px'
-                size='small'
-                prefix-icon='el-icon-search'
-                v-model='wzjc'
-            ></el-input>
-            <!-- 多余的筛选 -->
-            <input-dialog :type='1' @confirm='confirm'></input-dialog>
-        </div>
-        <div class='table1'>
-            <el-table
-                @row-click='innerTable'
-                :data='tableData'
-                :key='key'
-                :border='true'
-                style='width: 100%;'
-                :height='145'
-                :max-height='250'
-                :row-style='{height: "30px"}'
-            >
-                <el-table-column type='index' label='序号' width='60' :index='indexMethod'></el-table-column>
-                <el-table-column prop='sbjc' label='设备名称' show-overflow-tooltip resizable min-width='150'>
-                    <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.sbjc || '--'}}</template>
-                </el-table-column>
-                <el-table-column prop='assetnum' label='设备内码' show-overflow-tooltip resizable width='80'>
-                    <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.assetnum || '--'}}</template>
-                </el-table-column>
-                <!-- 注释数量列 -->
-                <!-- <el-table-column prop='sl' label='数量' width='60'>
-                <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.sl>=0?row.sl:'--'}}</template>
-                </el-table-column>-->
-                <el-table-column prop='sbglgs' label='管理归属' show-overflow-tooltip resizable>
-                    <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.sbglgs || '--'}}</template>
-                </el-table-column>
-                <el-table-column prop='sb_status' label='设备状态' width='80' show-overflow-tooltip resizable>
-                    <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.sb_status || '--'}}</template>
-                </el-table-column>
-                <el-table-column prop='brand' label='品牌' show-overflow-tooltip resizable width='80'>
-                    <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.brand || '--'}}</template>
-                </el-table-column>
-                <el-table-column prop='sbxh' label='型号' show-overflow-tooltip resizable width='80'>
-                    <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.sbxh || '--'}}</template>
-                </el-table-column>
-                <el-table-column prop='floor' sortable label='楼层' width='70' show-overflow-tooltip resizable>
-                    <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.floorcode || '--'}}</template>
-                </el-table-column>
-                <el-table-column prop='wzjc' label='安装位置' show-overflow-tooltip resizable min-width='150'>
-                    <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.wzjc || '--'}}</template>
-                </el-table-column>
-                <el-table-column prop='manufacturer' label='生产厂商' show-overflow-tooltip resizable min-width='150'>
-                    <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.manufacturer || '--'}}</template>
-                </el-table-column>
-                <el-table-column prop='fws' label='服务商' show-overflow-tooltip resizable min-width='150'>
-                    <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{row.fws || '--'}}</template>
-                </el-table-column>
-                <el-table-column prop label='相关资料' show-overflow-tooltip resizable min-width='150'>
-                    <template slot-scope='{row}'>{{'--'}}</template>
-                </el-table-column>
-            </el-table>
-        </div>
-        <!-- 注释底部分页 -->
-        <!-- <div class='foot'>
-            <el-pagination
-                background
-                layout='prev, pager, next'
-                :total='total'
-                :current-page.sync='page'
-                :page-size='size'
-                @prev-click='pageChanged'
-                @next-click='pageChanged'
-                @current-change='pageChanged'
-            ></el-pagination>
-        </div>-->
-        <!-- 底部表格 -->
-        <div class='table-bottom'>
-            <div class='title'>
-                <div class='text'>维保:</div>
-                <div class='d-tab d-tab-left' :class='{active:currentTab === 0}' @click='changeTab(0)'>重要维保</div>
-                <div class='d-tab d-tab-right' :class='{active:currentTab === 1}' @click='changeTab(1)'>日常维保</div>
-                <div class='text text-r'>维修:</div>
-                <div class='d-tab d-tab-left' :class='{active:currentTab === 2}' @click='changeTab(2)'>重要维修</div>
-                <div class='d-tab d-tab-right' :class='{active:currentTab === 3}' @click='changeTab(3)'>日常维修</div>
-                <!-- <el-tabs v-model='activeName' class='tab2' @tab-click='changeTable'> -->
-            </div>
-            <!-- TODO: 显示各个表格 -->
-            <div class='table2-container'>
-                <component
-                    :is='currentComponent'
-                    :ref='currentComponent'
-                    :smsxt='rowData.system_code'
-                    :tabLabel='tabLabel[currentComponent]'
-                    :diff='diff'
-                    :assetnum='rowData.assetnum'
-                    :size='5'
-                ></component>
-                <!-- :max-height='220' -->
-                <!-- <wbTable ref='wb1' :smsxt='1004' tabLabel='重要维保' diff :assetnum='11266' :size='3' /> -->
-            </div>
-        </div>
-    </div>
-import { Select } from 'meri-design'
-import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
-import { queryAsset } from '@/api/equipmentList.js'
-import { querySelect } from '@/api/public.js'
-import inputDialog from './inputDIalog'
-import wbTable from './wbTable'
-import rcwbTable from './rcwbTable'
-import wxTable from './wxTable'
-import rcwxTable from './rcwxTable'
-import { cloneDeep } from '../../../components/Select/utils'
-export default {
-    data() {
-        return {
-            tableData: [],
-            dataSelect2: [
-                { id: 'test1', name: '选择项' },
-                { id: 'test2', name: '单平米' },
-                { id: 'test3', name: '下级分项' },
-                { id: 'test4', name: '滑动平均滑动平均' },
-            ],
-            // page: 1,
-            size: 100,
-            total: 1,
-            page: 1,
-            sbjc: '',
-            brand: '',
-            wzjc: '',
-            floor: '1',
-            status: '1',
-            manufacturer: '',
-            fws: '',
-            sbglgs: '1',
-            sbglgsOption: [],
-            statusOption: [],
-            floorAllSelect: [],
-            key: 0,
-            currentTab: 0, //选中页签,默认重要维保
-            currentComponent: 'wbTable', //选中的组件,默认 重要维保
-            componentArr: ['wbTable', 'rcwbTable', 'wxTable', 'rcwxTable'], //下部表格组件列表
-            tabLabel: {
-                //下部表格组件列表使用label
-                wbTable: '重要维保',
-                rcwbTable: '日常维保',
-                wxTable: '重要维修',
-                rcwxTable: '日常维保',
-            },
-            diff: '', //?
-            rowData: {}, //行数据,供下部表格使用参数
-        }
-    },
-    components: { Select, inputDialog, wbTable, rcwbTable, wxTable, rcwxTable },
-    computed: {
-        ...mapGetters(['floorSelect']),
-    },
-    props: ['row', 'major', 'sign'],
-    mounted() {
-        this.queryTableList()
-        this.tabFind()
-        this.getFloorAllSelect()
-    },
-    methods: {
-        // 上部表格行点击
-        innerTable(row) {
-            console.log(row)
-            // 设置下部表格使用的行数据
-            this.rowData = cloneDeep(row)
-            // TODO:
-            this.$nextTick(() => {
-                this.$refs[this.currentComponent].startMethods()
-            })
-            if (row.assetuid) {
-                window.open(`http://gcgl.wanda.cn/maximo/ui/?event=loadapp&value=assetdevic&uniqueid=${row.assetuid}`)
-            }
-        },
-        //序号的方法
-        indexMethod(index) {
-            if (this.page) {
-                return (this.page - 1) * this.size + index + 1
-            }
-        },
-        //多余输入框监听
-        confirm(fws, manufacturer) {
-            //console.log(fws, manufacturer, '------')
-            this.fws = fws
-            this.manufacturer = manufacturer
-            this.queryTableList()
-        },
-        //下拉框查询
-        tabFind() {
-            let postParams = [
-                {
-                    columnName: { sbglgs: 'sbglgs', sb_status: 'sb_status' },
-                    params: {
-                        type_code: this.row.type_code,
-                    },
-                    tableName: 'sms_asset', //视图名称
-                },
-            ]
-            let major
-            if (this.major.slice(0, 2) == 'GD') {
-                major = '供电'
-            } else if (this.major.slice(0, 2) == 'XF') {
-                major = '消防'
-            } else if (this.major.slice(0, 2) == 'GPS') {
-                major = '给排水'
-            } else if (this.major.slice(0, 2) == 'DT') {
-                major = '电梯'
-            } else if (this.major.slice(0, 2) == 'RQ') {
-                major = '燃气'
-            } else {
-                major = this.major
-            }
-            let data = {
-                major: major,
-                plazaId: this.$store.state.plazaId,
-            }
-            if (major != '土建') {
-                data.onlyMainAsset = true
-            }
-            querySelect({ data, postParams }).then((res) => {
-                //console.log(res)
-                let sb_status = res.data.data.sms_asset.sb_status
-                let sbglgs = res.data.data.sms_asset.sbglgs
-                this.sbglgsOption = []
-                this.sbglgsOption.push({
-                    name: '全部',
-                    id: '1',
-                })
-                this.statusOption = []
-                this.statusOption.push({
-                    name: '全部',
-                    id: '1',
-                })
-                sb_status.forEach((el) => {
-                    this.statusOption.push({
-                        name: el.value,
-                        id: el.key,
-                    })
-                })
-                sbglgs.forEach((el) => {
-                    this.sbglgsOption.push({
-                        name: el.value,
-                        id: el.key,
-                    })
-                })
-            })
-        },
-        pageChanged(page) {
-            this.page = page
-            this.queryTableList()
-        },
-        queryTableList() {
-            let major
-            if (this.major.slice(0, 2) == 'GD') {
-                major = '供电'
-            } else if (this.major.slice(0, 2) == 'XF') {
-                major = '消防'
-            } else if (this.major.slice(0, 2) == 'GPS') {
-                major = '给排水'
-            } else if (this.major.slice(0, 2) == 'DT') {
-                major = '电梯'
-            } else if (this.major.slice(0, 2) == 'RQ') {
-                major = '燃气'
-            } else {
-                major = this.major
-            }
-            let data = {
-                major: major,
-                plazaId: this.$store.state.plazaId,
-                page: this.page,
-                // size: this.size,
-            }
-            //区分主要设备
-            if (this.major != '土建') {
-                data.onlyMainAsset = true
-            }
-            //输入框搜索
-            data.keyword = ''
-            if (this.sbjc) {
-                data.keyword += `${this.sbjc}:sbjc,assetnum;`
-            }
-            if (this.brand) {
-                data.keyword += `${this.brand}:brand,sbxh;`
-            }
-            if (this.wzjc) {
-                data.keyword += `${this.wzjc}:wzjc;`
-            }
-            if (this.manufacturer) {
-                data.keyword += `${this.manufacturer}:manufacturer;`
-            }
-            if (this.fws) {
-                data.keyword += `${this.fws}:fws;`
-            }
-            if (data.keyword == '') {
-                delete data.keyword
-            }
-            let postParams = {
-                classstructureid: this.row.classstructureid,
-                type_code: this.row.type_code,
-                manufacturer: this.row.manufacturer || '--',
-                sbxh: this.row.sbxh || '--',
-                brand: this.row.brand || '--',
-            }
-            //下拉筛选
-            if (this.floor && this.floor != 1) {
-                postParams.gname = this.floor
-            }
-            if (this.sbglgs && this.sbglgs != 1) {
-                postParams.sbglgs = this.sbglgs
-            }
-            if (this.status && this.status != 1) {
-                postParams.status = this.status
-            }
-            queryAsset({ data, postParams }).then((res) => {
-                //console.log(res)
-                this.tableData = res.data.data
-                this.total = res.data.count
-                this.key++
-                // 设置下部表格使用的行数据
-                if (this.tableData[0]) {
-                    this.rowData = cloneDeep(this.tableData[0])
-                } else {
-                    this.rowData = {}
-                }
-                this.$nextTick(() => {
-                    this.$refs[this.currentComponent].startMethods()
-                })
-            })
-        },
-        getFloorAllSelect() {
-            this.floorAllSelect = []
-            this.floorAllSelect.push({
-                id: '1',
-                name: '全部',
-            })
-            this.floorSelect.forEach((el) => {
-                this.floorAllSelect.push(el)
-            })
-            console.log(this.floorAllSelect)
-        },
-        changePageEvent() {
-            if (this.sign == 1) {
-                this.page = 1
-            }
-        },
-        // 更改tab页签
-        changeTab(index) {
-            this.currentTab = index
-            this.currentComponent = this.componentArr[index]
-            // TODO:
-            this.$nextTick(() => {
-                this.$refs[this.currentComponent].startMethods()
-            })
-        },
-    },
-    watch: {
-        row: {
-            handler(newV, oldV) {
-                // 初始化数据
-                this.currentTab = 0
-                this.currentComponent = 'wxTable'
-                this.rowData = {}
-                // 
-                this.changePageEvent()
-                this.queryTableList()
-                this.getFloorAllSelect()
-                this.tabFind()
-            },
-            deep: true,
-        },
-        sbglgs() {
-            this.changePageEvent()
-            this.queryTableList()
-        },
-        status() {
-            this.changePageEvent()
-            this.queryTableList()
-        },
-        floor() {
-            this.changePageEvent()
-            this.queryTableList()
-        },
-    },
-<style lang="less" scoped>
-.gdqd-dialog {
-    display: flex;
-    flex-direction: column;
-    .gdqd-dialog-top {
-        display: flex;
-        margin-bottom: 12px;
-    }
-    td {
-        overflow: hidden;
-        text-overflow: ellipsis;
-        white-space: nowrap;
-    }
-    .foot {
-        height: 32px;
-        display: flex;
-        justify-content: flex-end;
-        margin-top: 28px;
-    }
-    // 上部表格样式
-    // .table1 {
-    //     width: 100%;
-    //     // max-height: 170px;
-    //     padding: 0;
-    //     overflow: scroll;
-    //     /deep/.el-table {
-    //         width: 100%;
-    //         height: 100%;
-    //         overflow: scroll;
-    //     }
-    // }
-    // 底部表格
-    .table-bottom {
-        width: 100%;
-        flex: 1;
-        display: flex;
-        flex-direction: column;
-        // tab 样式
-        .title {
-            display: flex;
-            height: 70px;
-            line-height: 30px;
-            align-items: center;
-            padding: 15px 0;
-            // 维修维保文本
-            .text {
-                width: 50px;
-            }
-            .text-r {
-                margin-left: 100px;
-            }
-            // tab页签
-            .d-tab {
-                padding: 5px 16px;
-                height: 30px;
-                line-height: 22px;
-                font-size: 14px;
-                font-family: MicrosoftYaHei;
-                font-weight: 500;
-                color: #1f2429;
-                text-align: center;
-                border: 1px solid #c3c7cb;
-                cursor: pointer;
-            }
-            .d-tab-left {
-                border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;
-            }
-            .d-tab-right {
-                border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;
-            }
-            // 当前选中页签
-            .active {
-                color: #025baa !important;
-                border-color: #025baa !important;
-            }
-        }
-        //筛选+表格
-        .table2-container {
-            width: 100%;
-            flex: 1;
-            position: relative;
-        }
-    }
-@media screen and (max-width: 1600px) {
-    .gdqd-dialog td {
-        padding: 4px 0;
-    }
-<style lang="less">
-.gdqd-dialog {
-    /deep/.el-table td {
-        cursor: pointer;
-    }