yunxing 4 years ago
4 changed files with 575 additions and 34 deletions
  1. 7 0
  2. 4 3
  3. 535 25
  4. 29 6

+ 7 - 0

@@ -239,5 +239,12 @@ export default {
 // }
 .tabber {
     height: 50px;
+    //
+    /deep/ .van-tabbar-item--active {
+        color: #025baa !important;
+        i {
+            color: #025baa !important;
+        }
+    }

+ 4 - 3

@@ -225,12 +225,13 @@ const router = new VueRouter({
 // 跳入路由后要对发送pvuv
-router.afterEach((to) => {
-    // console.log(to)
+router.afterEach((to, from) => {
+    // console.log(to, from)
     // 项目概览,楼层功能,设备设施,其他事项 记录pupv
     let pupvArr = ['Overview', 'FloorFunc', 'EquipmentFacilities', 'OtherMatter']
+    // tabbar对应的四个路由相互切换,发送puuv
     // @ts-ignore
-    if (!pupvArr.includes( {
+    if (!pupvArr.includes( || !pupvArr.includes( {
         return true
     let postParams = {

+ 535 - 25

@@ -1,32 +1,542 @@
-  <div>
-    MoreEquipmentList
-  </div>
+    <div class='more-equipment'>
+        <!-- 顶部条 -->
+        <van-nav-bar :title='title' left-arrow @click-left='backPage' @click-right='handleRightClick'>
+            <template #right>
+                <i class='iconfont wanda-scan'></i>
+            </template>
+        </van-nav-bar>
+        <!-- 搜索框 -->
+        <div class='equipment-search-container'>
+            <van-search class='equipment-search' v-model='keyword' placeholder='请输入编号' @search='onSearch'></van-search>
+        </div>
+        <!-- 一个类的设备,如螺旋式冷水机组 -->
+        <div class='equipment-container' v-if='1'>
+            <div class='switch-room' v-for='ii in 3' :key='ii'>
+                <div class='title'>
+                    <span>螺旋式冷水机组</span>
+                    <span>10</span>
+                </div>
+                <!-- 单元格 -->
+                <van-cell is-link v-for='item in mockList' :key='item.classstructureid'>
+                    <!-- 使用 title 插槽来自定义标题 -->
+                    <template #title>
+                        <span class='number'>{{item.classstructureid}}</span>
+                        <span class='name'>{{item.sbjc}}</span>
+                    </template>
+                    <template #right-icon>
+                        <span class='wx' v-if='item._type === "维修"'>维修</span>
+                        <span class='wb'>维保</span>
+                        <van-icon name='arrow' class='arrow-icon' />
+                    </template>
+                </van-cell>
+                <!-- 加载更多 -->
+                <div class='load-more' @click>加载更多</div>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+        <!-- 点击头部筛选,出现的右侧弹窗 -->
+        <!-- 点击头部筛选,出现的右侧弹窗 -->
+        <van-popup class='m-popup-container' v-model='showPopup' position='right'>
+            <div class='m-popup'>
+                <!-- 系统 -->
+                <div class='system'>
+                    <h1 class='title'>专业系统</h1>
+                    <div class='system-btn-container'>
+                        <div class='system-btn' v-for='(item,index) in systemList' :key='index'>
+                            <van-button class='m-btn' :class='' @click='changeSystem(item)'>{{item.text}}</van-button>
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
+                </div>
+                <div class='divider'></div>
+                <!-- 设备设施 -->
+                <div class='sbss'>
+                    <h1 class='title'>设备设施</h1>
+                    <!-- TODO: 1 -->
+                    <div class='system-btn-container'>
+                        <div class='system-btn' v-for='(item,index) in sbssList.slice(0,3)' :key='index'>
+                            <van-button size='small' class='m-btn' :class='' @click='changeSbss(item)'>{{item.text}}</van-button>
+                        </div>
+                        <div v-if='!loadMore && sbssList.length>3' class='load-more' @click='loadMore= true'>加载更多</div>
+                        <div v-if='loadMore'>
+                            <div class='system-btn' v-for='(item,index) in sbssList.slice(3)' :key='index'>
+                                <van-button size='small' class='m-btn' :class='' @click='changeSbss(item)'>{{item.text}}</van-button>
+                            </div>
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
+                </div>
+                <div class='footer'>
+                    <van-button size='large' color='#025BAA' plain type='info' @click='reset'>重置</van-button>
+                    <van-button size='large' color='#025BAA' type='info' @click='confirm'>确定</van-button>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+        </van-popup>
+        <!-- 无数据 -->
+        <van-empty class='m-empty' v-if='finished &&!list.length' description='暂无数据'>
+            <template #image>
+                <img class='no-data' src='../../assets/images/search_null.png' alt />
+            </template>
+        </van-empty>
+    </div>
-export default {
-  name: '',
-  props: {
-  },
-  data() {
-    return {
-    }
-  },
-  components: {
-  beforeMount() {
-  },
-  mounted() {
-  },
-  methods: {
+ * 点击更多设备,进入到的更多设备列表页面
+ */
+import Vue from 'vue'
+import { NavBar, Search, List, Cell, Icon, Popup, Button, Empty } from 'vant'
+import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
-  },
+import { querySmsLocation } from '@/api/equipmentList'
+import { queryPic } from '@/api/public'
+import ImagePreview from '@/components/ImagePreview'
+import { sleep } from '@/utils/util'
+import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'
+export default {
+    name: 'LowVoltageCabinet',
+    props: {},
+    components: { ImagePreview },
+    data() {
+        return {
+            mock: 2,
+            title: '更多设备',
+            keyword: '',
+            page: 1,
+            size: 20, //TODO: size1500
+            list: [],
+            loading: false,
+            finished: false,
+            showPopup: false,
+            systemList: [
+                { text: '全部', smsxt: '全部', active: 'active' },
+                { text: '供电系统', smsxt: '1001', active: '' },
+                { text: '暖通系统', smsxt: '1002', active: '' },
+                { text: '消防系统', smsxt: '1003', active: '' },
+                { text: '弱电系统', smsxt: '1004', active: '' },
+                { text: '给排水系统', smsxt: '1005', active: '' },
+                { text: '电梯系统', smsxt: '1006', active: '' },
+                { text: '燃气系统', smsxt: '1007', active: '' },
+                { text: '土建系统', smsxt: '1008', active: '' },
+            ],
+            system_code: '', //系统code
+            sbss_code: '', //设备设施code
+            sbssList: [{ text: '全部', code: '全部', active: 'active' }], //设备设施筛选条件
+            loadMore: false,
+            // 弹窗中使用数据
+            modalData: {
+                system: '',
+                sbss: '全部',
+            },
+            // 弹窗中使用备份数据
+            modalDataBak: {
+                system: '',
+                sbss: '全部',
+            },
+            mockList: [
+                {
+                    assetid: 1206624,
+                    assetnum: '26466',
+                    assetuid: 1221607,
+                    category_code: 'gde',
+                    classstructureid: '1932',
+                    floorcode: 'B2',
+                    fws: '上海恒锦动力科技有限公司',
+                    importance: 12,
+                    is_detecting: false,
+                    is_exception: false,
+                    manufacturer: '上海恒锦动力科技有限公司',
+                    sb_status: '运行',
+                    sbglgs: '商管',
+                    sbjbm: '1',
+                    sbjc: '发电机',
+                    sbxh: 'MX-1030-4',
+                    seq: -200,
+                    sl: 1,
+                    system_code: '1001',
+                    type_code: 'gd0112',
+                    type_name: '柴油发电机组',
+                    wzjc: '商业楼/B2/地下建筑-发电机房-地下1层车库发电机房',
+                },
+                {
+                    assetid: 1206624,
+                    assetnum: '26466',
+                    assetuid: 1221607,
+                    category_code: 'gde',
+                    classstructureid: '1933',
+                    floorcode: 'B2',
+                    fws: '上海恒锦动力科技有限公司',
+                    importance: 12,
+                    is_detecting: false,
+                    is_exception: false,
+                    manufacturer: '上海恒锦动力科技有限公司',
+                    sb_status: '运行',
+                    sbglgs: '商管',
+                    sbjbm: '1',
+                    sbjc: '发电机',
+                    sbxh: 'MX-1030-4',
+                    seq: -200,
+                    sl: 1,
+                    system_code: '1001',
+                    type_code: 'gd0112',
+                    type_name: '柴油发电机组',
+                    wzjc: '商业楼/B2/地下建筑-发电机房-地下2层车库发电机房',
+                },
+                {
+                    assetid: 1206624,
+                    assetnum: '26466',
+                    assetuid: 1221607,
+                    category_code: 'gde',
+                    classstructureid: '1933',
+                    floorcode: 'B2',
+                    fws: '上海恒锦动力科技有限公司',
+                    importance: 12,
+                    is_detecting: false,
+                    is_exception: false,
+                    manufacturer: '上海恒锦动力科技有限公司',
+                    sb_status: '运行',
+                    sbglgs: '商管',
+                    sbjbm: '1',
+                    sbjc: '发电机',
+                    sbxh: 'MX-1030-4',
+                    seq: -200,
+                    sl: 1,
+                    system_code: '1001',
+                    type_code: 'gd0112',
+                    type_name: '柴油发电机组',
+                    wzjc: '商业楼/B2/地下建筑-发电机房-地下3层车库发电机房',
+                },
+                {
+                    assetid: 1206624,
+                    assetnum: '26466',
+                    assetuid: 1221607,
+                    category_code: 'gde',
+                    classstructureid: '1933',
+                    floorcode: 'B2',
+                    fws: '上海恒锦动力科技有限公司',
+                    importance: 12,
+                    is_detecting: false,
+                    is_exception: false,
+                    manufacturer: '上海恒锦动力科技有限公司',
+                    sb_status: '运行',
+                    sbglgs: '商管',
+                    sbjbm: '1',
+                    sbjc: '发电机',
+                    sbxh: 'MX-1030-4',
+                    seq: -200,
+                    sl: 1,
+                    system_code: '1001',
+                    type_code: 'gd0112',
+                    type_name: '柴油发电机组',
+                    wzjc: '商业楼/B2/地下建筑-发电机房-地下4层车库发电机房',
+                },
+            ],
+        }
+    },
+    computed: {
+        ...mapGetters(['plazaId', 'smsxt', 'categoryId']),
+    },
+    created() {},
+    beforeMount() {},
+    mounted() {},
+    methods: {
+        backPage() {
+            this.$router.go(-1)
+        },
+        /**
+         * 点击右侧筛选
+         */
+        handleRightClick() {
+            this.showPopup = true
+            // 设置选中的专业系统
+            this.changeSystem({ smsxt: this.system_code })
+            this.loadMore = false
+            this.sbssList = [{ text: '全部', code: '', active: 'active' }]
+            // 查询筛选条件的 设备设施
+            // this.getSbss()
+        },
+        onSearch() {
+            // 初始化数据,查询列表
+        },
+        /**
+         * popup 更改系统
+         */
+        changeSystem(data) {
+            console.log(data)
+            let systemList = this.systemList
+   => {
+       = ''
+                if (item.smsxt === data.smsxt) {
+           = 'active'
+                }
+            })
+            // 弹窗选中的系统
+            this.$set(this.modalDataBak, 'system', data.smsxt)
+            // this.getSbss(data.smsxt)
+        },
+        /**
+         * 重置
+         */
+        reset() {
+            // this.modalDataBak = {
+            //     system: '',
+            // }
+            // this.modalData = {
+            //     system: '',
+            // }
+            // this.system_code = this.smsxt
+            this.showPopup = false
+            // 初始化数据,查询列表
+            // this.initData()
+            // this.onLoad()
+        },
+        /**
+         * 弹窗确认
+         */
+        confirm() {
+            // this.modalData = cloneDeep(this.modalDataBak)
+            this.showPopup = false
+            // this.system_code = this.modalData.system
+            // 初始化数据,查询列表
+            // this.initData()
+            // this.onLoad()
+        },
+    },
 <style lang='less' scoped>
+.more-equipment {
+    width: 100%;
+    height: 100%;
+    background-color: #f5f6f7;
+    // 返回箭头修改
+    /deep/ .van-nav-bar .van-icon {
+        color: #000;
+    }
+    // 搜索
+    .equipment-search-container {
+        width: 100%;
+        height: 55px;
+        // background-color: #fff;
+        text-align: center;
+        .equipment-search {
+            width: 80%;
+            margin: 0 auto;
+            background: none;
+        }
+        .van-search__content {
+            background: #fff;
+            border-radius: 50px;
+        }
+    }
+    // 配电室列表
+    .equipment-container {
+        width: 100%;
+        // background-color: #fff;
+        min-height: 1px;
+        // TODO:
+        max-height: calc(100% - 100px);
+        overflow: auto;
+        font-size: 14px;
+        font-weight: 400;
+        color: #333333;
+        .switch-room {
+            width: 100%;
+            max-height: 390px;
+            display: flex;
+            flex-direction: column;
+            // 浅蓝色title
+            .title {
+                padding: 0 15px;
+                color: #025baa;
+                height: 45px;
+                background: rgba(2, 91, 170, 0.1);
+                font-size: 16px;
+                font-weight: 500;
+                color: #025baa;
+                line-height: 45px;
+                display: flex;
+                justify-content: space-between;
+            }
+            /deep/ .van-cell {
+                display: flex;
+                align-items: center;
+                .van-cell__title {
+                    display: flex;
+                    vertical-align: center;
+                    .number {
+                        width: 35px;
+                        display: flex;
+                        align-items: center;
+                    }
+                    .name {
+                        display: flex;
+                        align-items: center;
+                        padding: 0 10px;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            .arrow-icon {
+                font-size: 16px;
+                line-height: inherit !important;
+                color: #333333 !important;
+            }
+            // 维修
+            .wx,
+            .wb {
+                color: #d83931;
+                display: inline-block;
+                width: 44px;
+                margin-right: 10px;
+                background: #fbeceb;
+                border-radius: 2px;
+                text-align: center;
+            }
+            .wb {
+                color: #0481e1;
+                background: #e6f3fc;
+            }
+            // 加载更多
+            .load-more {
+                width: 80px;
+                height: 25px;
+                line-height: 25px;
+                text-align: center;
+                margin: 10px auto;
+                color: #025baa;
+                background: #e5eef6;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // 空状态
+    .m-empty {
+        // position: fixed;
+        // top: 0;
+        // left: 0;
+        // width: 100%;
+        // height: 100%;
+        display: flex;
+        align-items: center;
+        /deep/ .van-empty__image {
+            display: flex;
+            justify-content: center;
+            align-items: flex-end;
+            img {
+                width: auto;
+                height: auto;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // 筛选弹窗
+    .m-popup-container {
+        width: 80%;
+        height: 100%;
+        padding: 55px 20px 10px 20px;
+        .m-popup {
+            width: 100%;
+            height: calc(100% - 80px);
+            display: flex;
+            flex-direction: column;
+            .title {
+                font-size: 16px;
+                font-weight: 500;
+                color: #333333;
+                margin-bottom: 15px;
+            }
+            // 专业
+            .system {
+                width: 100%;
+                height: auto;
+                // 专业系统按钮
+                .system-btn-container {
+                    display: flex;
+                    width: 100%;
+                    flex-wrap: wrap;
+                    flex-flow: wrap;
+                    .system-btn {
+                        width: 50% !important;
+                        min-width: 50% !important;
+                        max-width: 50% !important;
+                        height: 40px;
+                        box-sizing: border-box;
+                        padding: 10px 10px 10px 0;
+                        .m-btn {
+                            width: 100%;
+                            height: 32px !important;
+                            text-align: center;
+                            background: #eff0f1;
+                            border-radius: 2px;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                .active {
+                    background-color: #025baa !important;
+                    color: #fff;
+                }
+            }
+            // 设备设施
+            .sbss {
+                flex: 1;
+                display: flex;
+                flex-direction: column;
+                overflow: auto;
+                .title {
+                    width: 100%;
+                    height: 25px;
+                }
+                .system-btn-container {
+                    width: 100%;
+                    height: 40px;
+                    flex: 1;
+                    overflow: auto;
+                    .system-btn {
+                        width: 100% !important;
+                        box-sizing: border-box;
+                        background: #eff0f1 !important;
+                        margin: 10px 0 10px 0;
+                        .m-btn {
+                            display: block !important;
+                            width: 100% !important;
+                            height: 32px !important;
+                            text-align: center;
+                            background: #eff0f1;
+                            border-radius: 2px;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                .active {
+                    background-color: #025baa !important;
+                    color: #fff;
+                }
+                .load-more {
+                    width: 80px;
+                    height: 25px;
+                    line-height: 25px;
+                    text-align: center;
+                    margin: 0 auto;
+                    color: #025baa;
+                    background: #e5eef6;
+                }
+            }
+            .divider {
+                border-bottom: 1px solid #e6e6e6;
+                margin: 20px 0;
+            }
+            .footer {
+                position: absolute;
+                bottom: 30px;
+                right: 0;
+                width: 100%;
+                height: 35px;
+                display: flex;
+                justify-content: space-around;
+                .van-button {
+                    width: 40%;
+                    height: 100%;
+                    max-width: 40%;
+                    min-width: 40%;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }

+ 29 - 6

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
         <!-- tab页签 -->
-        <van-tabs class='overview-tabs' v-model='active' color='#025BAA' title-active-color='#025BAA' :line-width='120' :line-height='2'>
+        <van-tabs class='overview-tabs' v-model='active' color='#025BAA' title-active-color='#025BAA' :line-width='80' :line-height='2'>
             <!-- 建筑综合信息 -->
             <van-tab class='buiding-tab' title='建筑综合信息'>
                 <div class='building-info'>
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
             <span v-else>近一个月,说明书无更新</span>
-            <van-icon v-show='showNoticeBar' class='building-arrow' name='arrow' size='14px'  />
+            <van-icon v-show='showNoticeBar' class='building-arrow' name='arrow' size='14px' />
@@ -398,6 +398,16 @@ export default {
             flex: 1;
             overflow: auto;
+        /deep/ .van-tabs__wrap {
+            border-bottom: 1px solid #eaeaea;
+            .van-tabs__nav--line {
+                box-sizing: content-box;
+                height: 100%;
+                width: 80%;
+                margin: 0 auto;
+            }
+        }
         // 建筑综合信息
         .buiding-tab {
             width: 100%;
@@ -426,8 +436,8 @@ export default {
         // 施工单位信息
         .sgdw-info {
-            margin-top: 10px;
-            height: calc(100% - 10px);
+            margin-top: 15px;
+            height: calc(100% - 15px);
             // tab样式修改
             /deep/.van-tabs__nav {
                 width: 50%;
@@ -438,6 +448,17 @@ export default {
                     background-color: rgb(229, 238, 246);
+            /deep/.van-tabs__wrap {
+                border-bottom: none;
+                // margin: 15px 0;
+                .van-tabs__nav--card {
+                    border-radius: 2px;
+                    border-color: #d4d4d4 !important;
+                }
+                .van-tab {
+                    border-radius: 2px;
+                }
+            }
             & > .van-tabs {
                 display: flex;
                 flex-direction: column;
@@ -449,7 +470,7 @@ export default {
             // 总包
             .zb {
-                padding: 10px 18px;
+                padding: 15px 18px 10px 18px;
                 li {
                     height: 25px;
                     line-height: 25px;
@@ -474,6 +495,7 @@ export default {
                     .card {
                         display: inline-block;
                         height: 25px;
+                        font-size: 14px;
                         background-color: #eff0f1;
                         border-radius: 2px;
                         color: #666;
@@ -490,7 +512,8 @@ export default {
             // 分包
             .fb {
-                padding: 10px 18px;
+                padding: 15px 18px 10px 18px;
                 .fb-card {
                     width: 100%;
                     height: auto;