@@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
+ <div ref="graphyMain" class="canvasGraphy" style="width:100%;">
+ <div class="saga-message" v-if="type != 3">{{type == 1 ? '请选择楼层' : '当前楼层尚无平面图,请去空间管理根据模型生成'}}</div>
+ <div style="width:100%;" v-else>
+ <canvas id="canvas" :width="canvasW" :height="canvasH"></canvas>
+ </div>
+ <el-button
+ v-if="type == 3"
+ size="small"
+ @click="pointToSpace"
+ style="height: 30px;z-index:999;overflow: hidden;transform: translateX(-50%);position: absolute;top: 10%;right: 5%;"
+ type="primary"
+ >标签与空间关联</el-button>
+ <div
+ v-if="type == 3"
+ style="height: 30px;z-index:999;overflow: hidden;transform: translateX(-50%);position: absolute;bottom: 10%;left: 50%;"
+ >
+ <el-button size="small" @click="smallSize" type="primary">- 缩小</el-button>
+ <el-button size="small" @click="suitableSize" type="primary">合适比例</el-button>
+ <el-button size="small" @click="bigSize" type="primary">+ 放大</el-button>
+ </div>
+ <!-- <button @click="addPoint">添加标记</button> -->
+ <!-- <button @click="locationGraphy({ X: -35146.875, Y: 40680 })">定位</button> -->
+ <!-- <button @click="addLine">添加虚拟墙</button> -->
+ <div v-show="menuShow" id="menu" ref="menu">
+ <p v-if="pointShow" @click="getDatails">编辑该标签</p>
+ <p v-if="pointShow" @click="clearXY">清除该点位的坐标</p>
+ <p v-if="pointShow" @click="noLocate">修改为无法定位到楼层的点位</p>
+ <!-- <p v-if="lineShow" @click="detaleWall">虚拟墙删除</p> -->
+ </div>
+ </div>
+import axios from "axios";
+import {
+ SGraphyView,
+ SGraphyScene,
+ SGraphyRectItem
+} from "@/assets/node-templete";
+import SGraphyLineItem from "@/assets/js/items/SGraphyLineItem";
+import SGraphyPolygonItem from "@/assets/js/items/SGraphyPolygonItem";
+import SGraphyVirtualItem from "@/assets/js/items/SGraphyVirtualItem";
+import SGraphyImageItem from "@/assets/js/items/SGraphyImageItem";
+import tools from "@/utils/scan/tools";
+let data = "";
+let scale = 120; //缩放比例
+let myData = [];
+let colorArr = [
+ "rgba(0,245,255,.05)",
+ "rgba(255,218,185,.05)",
+ "rgba(132,112,255,.05)",
+ "rgba(127,255,0,.05)",
+ "rgba(238,92,66,.05)",
+ "rgba(255,255,224,.05)",
+ "rgba(238,233,233,.05)",
+ "rgba(156,156,156,.05)",
+ "rgba(144,238,144,.05)",
+ "rgba(180,205,205,.05)"
+function changeXY(arr) {
+ let data;
+ if (arr && arr.length) {
+ data = arr.map(item => {
+ (item.X = item.X), (item.Y = item.Y);
+ });
+ }
+ return data;
+class MainScene extends SGraphyScene {
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ //资产id
+ } // Function constructor()
+ /**
+ * 绘制背景
+ *
+ * @param canvas 画布
+ * @param rect 更新绘制区域
+ */
+ // drawBackground(canvas, rect) {}
+import { updatePoint, getPoint, formBIMToPri, getPointList, updateBusiness } from "@/api/scan/request";
+import pako from '@/assets/pako/pako'
+export default {
+ name: "HelloWorld",
+ props: {
+ param: null
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ view: "",
+ mainScene: new MainScene(),
+ dataMax: "", //最大值最小值数据
+ scene: {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0
+ },
+ id: null,
+ menuShow: false, //右键菜单的显示
+ lineShow: false,
+ pointShow: false,
+ canvasH: 600,
+ canvasW: 800,
+ detaleItem: null, //需要删除的数组
+ wallArr: [], //虚拟墙添加时的数组
+ wallList: [], //处理后的墙的线条
+ detaleLine: [], //需要删除的虚拟墙
+ type: 1, //1 没有选择楼层, 2没有平面图, 3有平面图
+ data: {},
+ list: "",
+ buildMess: {},
+ imageUrl:
+ "http://prod.dp.sagacloud.cn:28888/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dev&key=graphy.png"
+ };
+ },
+ created() { },
+ mounted() {
+ this.resize()
+ },
+ methods: {
+ resize() {
+ this.canvasW =
+ document.getElementsByClassName("graphy-main")[0].offsetWidth - 2;
+ this.canvasH =
+ document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].offsetHeight - 20;
+ },
+ pointToSpace() {
+ let data = []//空间数组列表
+ this.mainScene.root.children.map(item => {
+ if (item.type == 3) {
+ data.push(item)
+ }
+ })
+ let relation = []
+ this.list.map(item => {
+ data.map(child => {
+ if (tools.isIn(item.X, item.Y * -1, child.containsArr)) {
+ relation.push({
+ pointId: item.id,
+ spaceId: child.id,
+ pointName: item.Name
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ //找到没有元空间id的对象,取出对应的array
+ let noIdList = [], hasIdList = []
+ relation.map(item => {
+ if (!!item.spaceId) {
+ hasIdList.push(item)
+ } else {
+ noIdList.push(item)
+ }
+ })
+ let name = ""
+ if (noIdList.length) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < noIdList.length; i++) {
+ name += noIdList[i].pointName + "、"
+ }
+ }
+ let msg = noIdList.length ? "一个空间下重复的点位标签信息录入将会被覆盖!以下标签所在的元空间不存在元空间id:" + name + ",是否继续" : "一个空间下重复的点位标签信息录入将会被覆盖!是否将其标签所在的信息录入元空间中?"
+ this.$confirm(msg, "提示").then(_ => {
+ this.getPointList(hasIdList)
+ }).catch(_ => {
+ this.$message("取消关联")
+ })
+ },
+ //获取标签列表
+ getPointList(hasIdList) {
+ let idList = hasIdList.map(item => { return item.pointId })
+ let param = {
+ IdList: idList,
+ ProjId: this.param.ProjId,
+ UserId: this.param.UserId,
+ }
+ getPointList(param, res => {
+ console.log(res)
+ if (res.PointList && res.PointList.length) {
+ hasIdList.map(item => {
+ res.PointList.map(child => {
+ if (child.PointId == item.pointId) {
+ item.Pic = child.ImageList
+ item.LocalId = child.PointLocalId
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ this.setMess(hasIdList)
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ //给空间中写入信息
+ setMess(hasIdList) {
+ let param = {
+ data: { criterias: null },
+ ProjId: this.param.projId,
+ secret: this.param.secret
+ }
+ hasIdList = tools.arrayUnique(hasIdList, "spaceId")
+ param.data.criterias = hasIdList.map(item => {
+ let criteria = { infos: {} }
+ if (!!item.Pic && item.Pic.length) {
+ criteria.infos.Pic = [{
+ value: item.Pic.map(child => {
+ return {
+ key: child.key,
+ name: child.name,
+ type: child.type,
+ systemId: "dataPlatform"
+ }
+ })
+ }]
+ }
+ criteria.id = item.spaceId
+ criteria.infos.RoomLocalName = [{ value: item.pointName || "" }]
+ criteria.infos.RoomLocalID = [{ value: item.LocalId || "" }]
+ return criteria
+ })
+ updateBusiness(param).then(res => {
+ console.log(res)
+ })
+ },
+ //获取数据
+ getData(data) {
+ if (!data.map) {
+ this.type = 2;
+ } else {
+ this.buildMess = data;
+ this.type = 3;
+ // this.getJson(this.buildMess.map);
+ }
+ },
+ getJson(jsonId) {
+ axios({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: "/img/image-service/common/file_get/" + jsonId + "?systemId=revit",
+ data: {},
+ responseType: 'blob',
+ // contentType: "charset=utf-8"
+ })
+ .then(res => {
+ let data = null
+ var blob = res.data;
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ reader.readAsBinaryString(blob)
+ let _this = this
+ reader.onload = function (readerEvt) {
+ var binaryString = readerEvt.target.result;
+ // let base64Data = btoa(binaryString)
+ let base64Data = btoa(binaryString)
+ let unGzipData = pako.unzip(base64Data)
+ data = unGzipData
+ _this.dataMax = tools.getPoint(data);
+ if (data.WallList && data.WallList.length) {
+ tools.changeMap(data.WallList, -1, "PointList");
+ }
+ if (data.SpaceList && data.SpaceList.length) {
+ tools.changeMap(data.SpaceList, -1, "Paths");
+ }
+ if (data.ColumnList && data.ColumnList.length) {
+ tools.changeMap(data.ColumnList, -1, "Path");
+ }
+ if (data.VirtualWallList && data.VirtualWallList.length) {
+ tools.changeMap(data.VirtualWallList, -1, "PointList");
+ }
+ if (data.EquipmentList && data.EquipmentList.length) {
+ tools.changeMap(data.EquipmentList, -1, "PointList");
+ }
+ let ids = [];
+ if (data.SpaceList && data.SpaceList.length) {
+ data.SpaceList.map(items => {
+ items.BimId = _this.buildMess.code + ":" + items.BimId;
+ ids.push(items.BimId);
+ });
+ } else {
+ _this.$message("没有元空间数据")
+ }
+ _this.createCanvas(ids, data);
+ };
+ });
+ },
+ //创建实例
+ async createCanvas(ids, data) {
+ //初始化
+ if (!!this.view && !!this.view.scene) {
+ this.view.scene.root.children = [];
+ this.view = null;
+ }
+ if (this.type != 3) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.view = new SGraphyView("canvas", this.mainScene);
+ this.view.onDraw();
+ this.view.canvasView.addEventListener("mouseup", this.dataChange);
+ this.view.canvasView.addEventListener("contextmenu", this.contextMenu);
+ this.view.canvasView.addEventListener("mousemove", this.canvasMove);
+ //添加事件使右键菜单隐藏
+ window.addEventListener("click", this.menuNone);
+ // this.bimIdToId(ids, data);
+ await this.bimIdToId(ids, data);
+ // this.getJson(this.buildMess.map)
+ },
+ //事件:canvas的划过事件
+ canvasMove(e) { },
+ //画虚拟墙
+ addLine() {
+ this.view.canvasView.addEventListener("click", this.addLineClick);
+ },
+ //画点位坐标
+ doPoint(list) {
+ console.log("list", list)
+ this.list = list;
+ this.getJson(this.buildMess.map)
+ },
+ //排序函数
+ compare(property) {
+ return function (a, b) {
+ let value1 = a[property];
+ let value2 = b[property];
+ return value1 - value2;
+ };
+ },
+ //删除虚拟墙
+ detaleWall() {
+ let arr = this.view.scene.root.children;
+ let index = arr.indexOf(this.detaleLine);
+ if (index > -1) {
+ arr.splice(index, 1);
+ this.detaleLine = null;
+ }
+ },
+ //获取点到线的最短距离
+ getMinDistance(arr, dot) {
+ let len;
+ //如果arr[0].x==arr[1].x 说明是条竖着的线
+ if (arr[0].x - arr[1].x == 0) {
+ len = Math.abs(dot.X - arr[0].x);
+ } else {
+ let A = (arr[0].y - arr[1].y) / (arr[0].x - arr[1].x);
+ let B = arr[0].y - A * arr[0].x;
+ len = Math.abs((A * dot.X + B - dot.Y) / Math.sqrt(A * A + 1));
+ }
+ return {
+ min: len,
+ line: arr
+ };
+ },
+ //获取最近的交点
+ getIntersection(arr, point) {
+ let P = {};
+ // 斜率为:k = ( pt2.y - pt1. y ) / (pt2.x - pt1.x );
+ // 该直线方程为:y = k* ( x - pt1.x) + pt1.y。
+ //其垂线的斜率为 - 1 / k,垂线方程为:y = (-1/k) * (x - point.x) + point.y 。
+ //联立两直线方程解得:x = ( k^2 * pt1.x + k * (point.y - pt1.y ) + point.x ) / ( k^2 + 1) ,y = k * ( x - pt1.x) + pt1.y;
+ //如果arr[0].x==arr[1].x 说明是条竖着的线
+ if (arr[0].x == arr[1].x) {
+ P.x = arr[0].x;
+ P.y = point.Y;
+ } else {
+ let k = (arr[1].y - arr[0].y) / (arr[1].x - arr[0].x);
+ // let y = k * (x - arr[0].x) + arr[0].y;
+ // let y1 = (-1/k) * (x - point.X) + point.Y
+ // let x =
+ // (k * k * arr[0].x + k * (point.Y - arr[0].y) + point.X) /
+ // (k * k * k),
+ // y = k * (x - arr[0].x) + arr[0].y;
+ // if(x > arr[0].x && x > arr[1].x){
+ // if(arr[0].x > arr[1].x){
+ // x = arr[0].x
+ // y = arr[0].y
+ // }else{
+ // x = arr[1].x
+ // y = arr[1].y
+ // }
+ // }
+ // P.x = x
+ // P.y = y
+ let A = (arr[0].y - arr[1].y) / (arr[0].x - arr[1].x);
+ let B = arr[0].y - A * arr[0].x;
+ let m = point.X + A * point.Y;
+ P.x = (m - A * B) / (A * A + 1);
+ P.y = A * P.x + B;
+ }
+ return P;
+ },
+ //右键菜单的查看详情
+ getDatails() {
+ let arr = this.view.scene.root.children;
+ let index = arr.indexOf(this.detaleItem);
+ this.$emit("getDetails", { Id: arr[index].id });
+ },
+ //右键的清除该点位的坐标
+ clearXY() {
+ let param = {
+ PointId: this.detaleItem.id,
+ ProjId: this.param.ProjId,
+ UserId: this.param.UserId
+ };
+ this.changePoint(param, { x: 0, y: 0 }, false);
+ },
+ //右键的修改为无法定位到楼层的点位
+ noLocate() {
+ let param = {
+ PointId: this.detaleItem.id,
+ ProjId: this.param.ProjId,
+ UserId: this.param.UserId
+ };
+ this.changePoint(param, { x: 0, y: 0 }, 2);
+ },
+ //右键菜单隐藏
+ menuNone() {
+ this.menuShow = this.lineShow = this.pointShow = false;
+ },
+ async bimIdToId(ids, data) {
+ await formBIMToPri({
+ type: ["Si"],
+ ids: ids,
+ ProjId: this.param.projId,
+ secret: this.param.secret
+ })
+ .then(res => {
+ if (res.data.Result == "success") {
+ data.SpaceList.map((item, index) => {
+ res.data.Content.map((i, li) => {
+ //判断bimId是否相同
+ if (item.BimId == i.infos.BIMID) {
+ item.id = i.id;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ // this.createCanvas();
+ // this.initGraphy(data);
+ this.initGraphy(data);
+ return data
+ } else {
+ this.$message.error(res.data.ResultMsg);
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(() => {
+ this.$message.error("请求出错");
+ });
+ },
+ //实例化视图
+ initGraphy(data) {
+ this.view.pos.x = this.view.pos.y = -50;
+ let equip = data.EquipmentList,
+ wall = data.WallList,
+ virtual = data.VirtualWallList,
+ space = data.SpaceList,
+ column = data.ColumnList,
+ spaceStr;
+ //空间
+ if (space && space.length) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < space.length; i++) {
+ if (space[i].Paths[0] && space[i].Paths[0].length >= 2) {
+ spaceStr = new SGraphyPolygonItem(
+ space[i].Paths[0],
+ 1,
+ "red",
+ colorArr[i % 10],
+ space[i].id
+ );
+ this.mainScene.addItem(spaceStr);
+ }
+ for (let j = 0; j < space[i].Paths.length; j++) {
+ if (space[i].Paths[0] && j > 1 && space[i].Paths[j].length >= 2) {
+ spaceStr = new SGraphyPolygonItem(
+ space[i].Paths[j],
+ 2,
+ "#fff",
+ "#fff",
+ space[i].id
+ );
+ this.mainScene.addItem(spaceStr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 画柱子
+ if (column && column.length) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < column.length; i++) {
+ if (column[i].Path && column[i].Path.length >= 2) {
+ spaceStr = new SGraphyPolygonItem(
+ column[i].Path,
+ 1,
+ "#000",
+ "#000"
+ );
+ this.mainScene.addItem(spaceStr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 画墙
+ if (wall && wall.length) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < wall.length; i++) {
+ for (let j = 0; j < wall[i].PointList.length - 1; j++) {
+ let str = "wall" + i;
+ str = new SGraphyLineItem(
+ wall[i].PointList[j].X,
+ wall[i].PointList[j].Y,
+ wall[i].PointList[j + 1].X,
+ wall[i].PointList[j + 1].Y
+ );
+ this.mainScene.addItem(str);
+ }
+ }
+ wall.map((res, index) => {
+ if (res.PointList.length > 1) {
+ res.PointList.map((list, inde) => {
+ if (res.PointList[inde + 1] != undefined) {
+ this.wallList.push([
+ { x: list.X, y: list.Y },
+ { x: res.PointList[inde + 1].X, y: res.PointList[inde + 1].Y }
+ ]);
+ } else {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // //画虚拟墙
+ if (virtual && virtual.length) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < virtual.length; i++) {
+ for (let j = 0; j < virtual[i].PointList.length - 1; j++) {
+ let str = "virtual" + i + j;
+ str = new SGraphyVirtualItem(
+ virtual[i].PointList[j].X,
+ virtual[i].PointList[j].Y,
+ virtual[i].PointList[j + 1].X,
+ virtual[i].PointList[j + 1].Y,
+ "green",
+ 2,
+ true,
+ true
+ );
+ this.mainScene.addItem(str);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.list && this.list.length) {
+ this.list = this.list.map(item => {
+ if (item.X == 0 && item.Y == 0) {
+ return undefined;
+ } else {
+ return {
+ id: item.Id,
+ X: item.X,
+ Y: item.Y,
+ Name: item.Name
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ this.list = this.list.filter(item => item);
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) {
+ let space = "point" + i;
+ let url = this.imageUrl;
+ space = new SGraphyImageItem(30, 30, url, this.list[i].id);
+ space.moveTo(this.list[i].X, this.list[i].Y * -1);
+ this.mainScene.addItem(space);
+ }
+ }
+ //获取中心点
+ let rect = this.view.scene.worldRect();
+ //初始化画布缩放比例
+ this.view.scale = 1;
+ //计算缩放比例
+ this.view.scale = Math.min(
+ this.view.width / (rect.width * 1.2),
+ this.view.height / (rect.height * 1.2)
+ );
+ this.view.minScale = this.view.scale / 10
+ this.view.maxScale = this.view.scale * 10
+ // 移动画布
+ this.view.pos.x =
+ (-(rect.right + rect.left) / 2) * this.view.scale + this.view.width / 2;
+ this.view.pos.y =
+ (-(rect.bottom + rect.top) / 2) * this.view.scale +
+ this.view.height / 2;
+ },
+ // 定位
+ locationGraphy(point) {
+ // 移动画布
+ this.view.pos.x = -point.X * this.view.scale + this.view.width / 2;
+ this.view.pos.y = -point.Y * this.view.scale + this.view.height / 2;
+ this.view.scale = this.view.scale;
+ },
+ //点击按钮
+ addPoint(item) {
+ let bbox = this.view.canvasView.getBoundingClientRect();
+ this.id = item.Id;
+ this.view.canvasView.style.cursor =
+ "url(http://prod.dp.sagacloud.cn:28888/image-service/common/image_get?systemId=dev&key=graphy.png),auto";
+ this.view.canvasView.addEventListener("click", this.getPoint);
+ },
+ //获取鼠标相对canvas的位置
+ getMouseCanvas(e) {
+ let bbox = this.view.canvasView.getBoundingClientRect();
+ let x = e.clientX - bbox.left,
+ y = e.clientY - bbox.top;
+ return {
+ x: x,
+ y: y
+ };
+ },
+ //修改点位坐标信息
+ changePoint(getParam, pointWall, falg, createPoint) {
+ let pointList = null;
+ getPoint(getParam).then(res => {
+ if (res.data.Result == "success") {
+ let param = {
+ ProjId: this.param.ProjId,
+ UserId: this.param.UserId,
+ PointList: res.data.PointList[0]
+ };
+ param.PointList.X = pointWall.x;
+ param.PointList.Y = pointWall.y * -1;
+ if (!param.PointList.FloorId) {
+ param.PointList.FloorId = this.data.code;
+ }
+ if (falg == 2) {
+ param.PointList.FloorId = "";
+ }
+ updatePoint(param).then(res => {
+ if (res.data.Result == "success") {
+ this.id = null;
+ if (falg == 1) {
+ this.mainScene.addItem(createPoint);
+ this.$message.success("标记成功");
+ } else if (falg == 2) {
+ this.view.scene.removeItem(this.detaleItem);
+ this.detaleItem = null;
+ this.$message.success("修改成功");
+ } else if (falg == 3) {
+ this.detaleItem = null;
+ this.$message.success("修改成功");
+ } else {
+ this.view.scene.removeItem(this.detaleItem);
+ this.detaleItem = null;
+ this.$message.success("修改成功");
+ }
+ this.$emit("resetPoint");
+ } else {
+ this.$message("标记失败,请重新标记");
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.$message.error("获取点位信息失败");
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /** canvas事件------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ //点击事件
+ getPoint(e) {
+ let pointMess = this.getMouseCanvas(e);
+ // 获取真实的point
+ let pointWall = this.view.mapToScene(pointMess);
+ let url = this.imageUrl;
+ let createPoint = new SGraphyImageItem(30, 30, url, this.id);
+ //移动新建的point
+ createPoint.moveTo(pointWall.x, pointWall.y);
+ let getParam = {
+ PointId: this.id,
+ ProjId: this.param.ProjId,
+ UserId: this.param.UserId
+ };
+ this.changePoint(getParam, pointWall, 1, createPoint);
+ this.view.canvasView.style.cursor = "auto";
+ this.view.canvasView.removeEventListener("click", this.getPoint);
+ },
+ //右键菜单
+ contextMenu(e) {
+ //取消默认的浏览器自带的右键
+ e.preventDefault();
+ //将canvas的坐标转换成数据坐标
+ let point = this.view.mapToScene(this.getMouseCanvas(e));
+ //设立falg判断是否在标签上
+ let falg = false,
+ index = 0,
+ wallIndex = 0,
+ wallFalg = false;
+ let items = this.view.scene.root.children;
+ for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+ if (items[i].type == 1) {
+ if (items[i].contains(point.x, point.y)) {
+ index = i;
+ falg = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // if (items[i].type == 4) {
+ // if (items[i].contains(point.x, point.y)) {
+ // wallIndex = i;
+ // wallFalg = true;
+ // }
+ // }
+ }
+ //如果在标签上
+ if (falg || wallFalg) {
+ this.menuShow = true;
+ let el = this.$refs.graphyMain;
+ if (falg) {
+ this.detaleItem = items[index];
+ this.pointShow = true;
+ } else if (wallFalg) {
+ this.detaleLine = items[wallIndex];
+ this.lineShow = true;
+ }
+ if (el.offsetWidth < e.layerX + 200) {
+ this.$refs.menu.style.left = e.layerX - 200 + "px";
+ this.$refs.menu.style.top = e.layerY + "px";
+ } else if (el.offsetHeight < e.layerY + 150) {
+ this.$refs.menu.style.left = e.layerX + "px";
+ this.$refs.menu.style.top = e.layerY - 100 + "px";
+ } else {
+ this.$refs.menu.style.left = e.layerX + "px";
+ this.$refs.menu.style.top = e.layerY + "px";
+ }
+ // this.mainScene.removeItem(items[index]);
+ } else {
+ this.lineShow = this.pointShow = false;
+ this.menuShow = false;
+ }
+ },
+ //鼠标抬起事件,数据发生改变
+ dataChange(e) {
+ let item = this.mouseInElement(this.view, e);
+ let childRen = this.view.scene.root.children;
+ myData = [];
+ for (let i in childRen) {
+ if (childRen[i].type == 1) {
+ myData.push({
+ Id: childRen[i].id,
+ name: childRen[i].name,
+ PointList: {
+ X: childRen[i]._pos.x,
+ Y: childRen[i]._pos.y
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ myData.map(item => {
+ for (let j = 0; j < this.list.length; j++) {
+ if (item.Id == this.list[j].id && (item.PointList.X != this.list[j].X || item.PointList.Y * -1 != this.list[j].Y)) {
+ this.list[j].X = item.PointList.X
+ this.list[j].Y = item.PointList.Y
+ let param = {
+ PointId: item.Id,
+ ProjId: this.param.ProjId,
+ UserId: this.param.UserId
+ };
+ this.changePoint(param, { x: item.PointList.X, y: item.PointList.Y }, 3);
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param {*} view graphy class
+ * @param {*} e mouse元素e
+ */
+ mouseInElement(view, e) {
+ let mouse = this.getMouseCanvas(e),
+ falg = false,
+ items = view.scene.root.children,
+ i = 0;
+ for (; i < items.length; i++) {
+ if (items[i].type == 1) {
+ if (items[i].contains(mouse)) {
+ falg = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ falg,
+ item: items[i] || [],
+ index: i
+ };
+ },
+ //调整到合适比例
+ suitableSize() {
+ //获取中心点
+ let rect = this.view.scene.worldRect();
+ //计算缩放比例
+ this.view.scale = Math.min(
+ this.view.width / (rect.width * 1.2),
+ this.view.height / (rect.height * 1.2)
+ );
+ // 移动画布
+ this.view.pos.x =
+ (-(rect.right + rect.left) / 2) * this.view.scale + this.view.width / 2;
+ this.view.pos.y =
+ (-(rect.bottom + rect.top) / 2) * this.view.scale +
+ this.view.height / 2;
+ },
+ //调整到小比例
+ smallSize() {
+ //获取中心点
+ let rect = this.view.scene.worldRect();
+ //计算缩放比例
+ this.view.scale = this.view.scale * 0.9;
+ // 移动画布
+ this.view.pos.x =
+ (-(rect.right + rect.left) / 2) * this.view.scale + this.view.width / 2;
+ this.view.pos.y =
+ (-(rect.bottom + rect.top) / 2) * this.view.scale +
+ this.view.height / 2;
+ },
+ bigSize() {
+ //获取中心点
+ let rect = this.view.scene.worldRect();
+ //计算缩放比例
+ this.view.scale = this.view.scale * 1.1;
+ // 移动画布
+ this.view.pos.x =
+ (-(rect.right + rect.left) / 2) * this.view.scale + this.view.width / 2;
+ this.view.pos.y =
+ (-(rect.bottom + rect.top) / 2) * this.view.scale +
+ this.view.height / 2;
+ }
+ }
+<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
+<style lang="less" scoped>
+.canvasGraphy {
+ position: relative;
+ canvas {
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ }
+ .saga-message {
+ height: 400px;
+ line-height: 400px;
+ color: #ccc;
+ font-size: 24px;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ #menu {
+ width: 200px;
+ z-index: 88;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 1px #888, 1px 0 1px #ccc;
+ position: absolute;
+ background-color: #fff;
+ }
+ #menu p {
+ width: 100%;
+ padding-left: 5px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ height: 35px;
+ line-height: 35px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ margin: 0;
+ text-align: left;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ }
+ #menu p:hover {
+ background-color: aqua;
+ }