# ibms > A Vue.js project ## Build Setup ``` bash # install dependencies npm install # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 npm run dev # build for production with minification npm run build # build for production and view the bundle analyzer report npm run build --report ``` For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the [guide](http://vuejs-templates.github.io/webpack/) and [docs for vue-loader](http://vuejs.github.io/vue-loader). # 扫楼参数解释 ## 扫楼日志页/buildLog?projId=??&userId=?? 获取扫楼日志,需操作人id(userId)和项目id(projId) ## 扫楼用户页/buildUser?projId=??&userId=?? 获取扫楼用户,并给与添加权限,删除权限(右键删除) ## 扫楼异常资产页/buildAssets?projId=??&userId=??&secret=?? 获取扫楼异常资产,需操作人id和项目id以及密码(显示详情页使用) ## 扫楼数据页/buildData?projId=??&userId=?? 获取扫楼数据进行处理,有修改资产权限,修改点位标签名及点位标签id权限 ``` 由于扫楼数据的存放url待定,暂时为IP:( ``` ``` |-- RevitWeb |-- .babelrc |-- .editorconfig |-- .gitignore |-- .postcssrc.js |-- favicon.ico |-- handsontable-chosen-editor.js |-- index.html |-- package-lock.json |-- package.json |-- README.md |-- build | |-- build.js | |-- check-versions.js | |-- logo.png | |-- utils.js | |-- vue-loader.conf.js | |-- webpack.base.conf.js | |-- webpack.dev.conf.js | |-- webpack.prod.conf.js |-- config | |-- dev.env.js | |-- index.js | |-- prod.env.js //打包文件其中有两个应用地址 |-- photoView //图片查看公共工具 | |-- photo-View.html //页面 | |-- README.md | |-- test.html | |-- css | | |-- reset.css | | |-- viewer.min.css | |-- js | |-- CSS3DStereoRenderer.js | |-- photo-sphere-viewer.js | |-- photo-sphere-viewer.min.js | |-- three.js | |-- three.min.js | |-- viewer.min.js |-- src | |-- App.vue | |-- main.js | |-- package.json | |-- api //请求 | | |-- config.js //设置 | | |-- fetch.js //封装 | | |-- httpUtil.js //再次封装 | | |-- request.js //集合 | |-- assets //多个引用 | | |-- logo.png //logo | | |-- css //css样式 | | | |-- chosen-sprite.png | | | |-- chosen-sprite@2x.png | | | |-- chosen.css //chonse的样式 | | | |-- jsmind.css //思维导图的样式 | | | |-- reset.css //重置样式表 | | |-- icon //iconfont--弃用 | | | |-- iconfont.css | | | |-- iconfont.eot | | | |-- iconfont.js | | | |-- iconfont.svg | | | |-- iconfont.ttf | | | |-- iconfont.woff | | |-- images //图片 | | | |-- point.png | | | |-- unfold.png | | |-- js //js工具 | | | |-- chosen.jquery.min.js //hansontable下拉工具 | | | |-- graphyCanvas.js //图形化引擎 | | | |-- graphyEvent.js //图形化引擎事件 | | | |-- handsontable-chosen-editor.js //下拉 | | | |-- isDuitString.js //判断 | | | |-- jquery.min.js //jq | | | |-- jsmind.js //思维导图 | | | |-- tools.js //工具函数 | | | |-- canvas | | | | |-- index.js | | | | |-- items | | | | | |-- ball.js | | | | | |-- line.js | | | | | |-- point.js | | | | |-- lib | | | | |-- event | | | | |-- SMouseEvent.js | | | |-- items //items,图形化引擎items | | | | |-- SGraphyCircleItem.js //圆 | | | | |-- SGraphyImageItem.js //图片 | | | | |-- SGraphyLineItem.js //线 | | | | |-- SGraphyPillarItems.js //实心圆 | | | | |-- SGraphyPolygonItem.js //不规则图形 | | | | |-- SGraphyRectItem.js //矩形 | | | | |-- SGraphyTextItems.js //字体 | | | | |-- SGraphyVirtualItem.js //虚线 | | | |-- qrcode | | | |-- qrcode.min.js //qrcode生成工具 | | |-- json | | | |-- 1CDC5E0E-50EB-415a-BBC1-099832D12238.txt | | | |-- bim.jsonz | | | |-- cxds5.json | | | |-- end.json | | | |-- mind.json | | | |-- relation.json | | | |-- roomCl.json | | | |-- space(2).json | | | |-- space(3).json | | | |-- space.json | | | |-- test.json | | |-- node-templete //图形化引擎 | | | |-- index.js | | | |-- SGraphy | | | |-- SCanvas.js | | | |-- SGraphyEnums.js | | | |-- SGraphyItem.js | | | |-- SGraphyScene.js | | | |-- SGraphyView.js | | | |-- SMouseEvent.js | | | |-- items | | | | |-- SGraphyClockItem.js | | | | |-- SGraphyLineItem.js | | | | |-- SGraphyPolygonItem.js | | | | |-- SGraphyRectItem.js | | | | |-- SGraphyVirtualItem.js | | | |-- types | | | |-- SPoint.js | | | |-- SRect.js | | |-- pako | | |-- pako.js | |-- components | | |-- cascader.vue | | |-- demo1.vue | | |-- demo2.vue | | |-- demo3.vue | | |-- drag.vue | | |-- graphyCanvas.vue | | |-- graphyCanvas1.vue | | |-- graphyTabs.vue | | |-- graphyTree.vue | | |-- HelloWorld.vue | | |-- input.vue | | |-- selectTime.vue | | |-- business | | | |-- handsontable.vue | | | |-- spaceGraphy.vue | | | |-- spaceHandsontable.vue | | |-- dialogHanson | | | |-- addDevice.vue | | |-- dialogs | | | |-- detailsDialog.vue | | | |-- facilityDialog.vue | | | |-- influenceDialog.vue | | | |-- noModelDialog.vue | | | |-- notRelated.vue | | | |-- addDialog | | | | |-- businessDialog.vue | | | | |-- dialogAssets.vue | | | | |-- dialogDevice.vue | | | | |-- dialogSystem.vue | | | |-- list | | | |-- filesDialog.vue | | | |-- firm.vue | | | |-- guaranteeDialog.vue | | | |-- insurerDialog.vue | | | |-- maintainerDialog.vue | | | |-- picDialog.vue | | | |-- supplierDialog.vue | | | |-- supplyDialog.vue | | | |-- uploadImgDialog.vue | | |-- graphy | | | |-- business.vue | | |-- handsontables | | | |-- assets.vue | | | |-- device.vue | | | |-- system.vue | | |-- lib | | | |-- floorCascader.vue | | | |-- formInput.vue | | | |-- myPagination.vue | | | |-- qrcode.vue | | | |-- uploadFiles.vue | | | |-- uploadImg.vue | | | |-- uploadImgs.vue | | | |-- cascaders | | | |-- assets.vue | | | |-- system.vue | | |-- list | | | |-- title.vue | | |-- table | | | |-- addEquip.vue | | | |-- businessTable.vue | | | |-- equipTable.vue | | |-- transfers | | |-- tableTransfers.vue | |-- config | | |-- index.js | | |-- rem.js | |-- router | | |-- directive.js | | |-- ele.js | | |-- index.js | |-- utils | | |-- hasontableUtils.js | |-- views | |-- assetsList.vue | |-- buildAssets.vue | |-- buildFamily.vue | |-- buildGraphy.vue | |-- buildingData.vue | |-- buildLog.vue | |-- buildUser.vue | |-- businessSpace.vue | |-- conduitGraphy.vue | |-- deviceList.vue | |-- gplot.vue | |-- layerPoint.vue | |-- mindMap.vue | |-- spaceGraphy.vue | |-- systemList.vue |-- static |-- .gitkeep ```