import $ from "../../utils/Tool"; import router from "../../utils/router"; import { getSetting, getLocation, checkHasLogined, authlogin, } from "../../utils/auth"; const AUTH = require("../../utils/auth"); import icons from "../../utils/icon"; import { getUrlParams } from '../../utils/util' import Toast from "../../vant-weapp/dist/toast/toast"; import { getopenId, comfirmCodeLogin, userCheck, getSpaceAdjustList, spaceTop, getWeather, deleteSpaceAdjust, queryUseranswer, getCurrentSeason, powerCheck, openSpace, } from "../../requests/api"; var refreshTimer = null; Page({ data: { surveyShow: false, //是否显示调查问卷 lottieShow: true, //是否显示lottie组件 meauList: [ { id: 1, title: "扫码调节", des: "扫描空间二维码", imgSrc: "../../static/images/qrcode.png", }, { id: 2, title: "空间列表", des: "查找更多空间", imgSrc: "../../static/images/adjust.png", }, ], envNamelist: $.store.get("envNamelist"), imgbaseUrl: $.store.get("imgbaseUrl"), picInitUrl: $.store.get("picInitUrl"), latitude: null, longitude: null, noDate: true, statusList: icons.statusList, spacestatusList: icons.spacestatusList, cardList: [], cardCurrent: null, tenantName: $.store.get("tenantName"), tenants: $.store.get("tenants"), logined: $.storage.get("logined"), havePower: { result: "fail", message: "未定位到您的位置" }, temperatureNum: "--", guideUser: false, CustomBar: $.store.get("CustomBar"), }, toDetail(e) { if (!e.currentTarget.dataset.istemp) { router.push("detail", e.currentTarget.dataset); } else { router.push("detail", { name: "温度", localname: "温度", param: "temperature", funcid: "Tdb", spaceid: e.currentTarget.dataset.spaceid, projectid: e.currentTarget.dataset.projectid, }); } }, // 关闭问卷 surveyClose(value) { this.setData({ surveyShow: false, lottieShow: true }); if (value.detail.good) { wx.showToast({ title: "感谢您的反馈", image: "../../static/images/bixin.png", duration: 2000, }); } }, // 检查是否需要填写问卷 async userAnswer() { let day = new Date(); let year = day.getFullYear(); let month = day.getMonth() + 1; month = month < 10 ? "0" + month : month; let today = day.getDate(); today = today < 10 ? "0" + today : today; let seasonType = ""; const dataSeason = { projectId: $.store.get("projectId") || $.storage.get("projectId"), date: `${year}${month}${today}`, }; await getCurrentSeason(dataSeason).then((res) => { if (res.result == "success") { seasonType =; } }); let projectId = $.store.get("projectId"); let tenantId = $.store.get("tenantId"); let data = { criteria: { userId: $.store.get("userId"), projectId: projectId, tenantId: tenantId, startTime: { $ge: `${year}${month}${today}`, }, endTime: { $le: `${year}${month}${today}`, }, seasonType: seasonType, }, }; queryUseranswer(data).then((res) => { !res.count && !res.content && this.setData({ surveyShow: true, lottieShow: false }); }); }, // 检查是否过引导 checkGuide(value) { if (! { return; } !$.storage.get("guideUser") && !value && !$.storage.get("nextRemind") && this.userAnswer(); !$.storage.get("guideUser") && this.getPageheight(); this.setData({ guideUser: !$.storage.get("guideUser") }); }, // 步骤引导函数 nextStep(e) { $.storage.set("guideUser", true); this.setData({ guideUser: false }); }, // 获取容器高度 getPageheight() { let that = this; wx.createSelectorQuery() .select("#j_page") .boundingClientRect(function (rect) { that.setData({ pageHight: rect.height }); }) .exec(); }, swipeClick(e) { let that = this; let { spaceid } = e.currentTarget.dataset; wx.showModal({ title: "删除", content: "是否删除该空间", success(res) { if (res.confirm) { let data = { projectId: $.store.get("projectId"), userId: $.store.get("userId"), spaceId: spaceid, }; deleteSpaceAdjust(data).then((res) => { that.getData(); }); } }, }); }, // 置顶操作 tapItem(e) { let { id, top, projectId } = e.currentTarget.dataset.spaceid; let spaceIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; let data = { projectId: projectId, spaceId: id, userId:, top: top ? 0 : 1, }; spaceTop(data).then(async (res) => { if (res.result == "success") { await this.getData(); wx.pageScrollTo({ scrollTop: 0, duration: 300, }); } }); }, settingLocation() { return new Promise((relove, reject) => { wx.showModal({ title: "是否授权当前位置", content: "需要获取您的地理位置,请确认授权", confirmColor: "#f16765", success: (res) => { relove(res); }, fail: (err) => { reject(err); }, }); }); }, async isGetSetting(value) { let { authSetting } = await getSetting(); if (authSetting["scope.userLocation"]) { await this.getUserLocation(); } else { await this.settingLocation().then((res) => { if (res.confirm) { wx.openSetting({ success: async (data) => { await this.getUserLocation(); value && this.remoteCheck(); }, }); } else { this.setData({ havePower: { result: "fail", message: "未定位到您的位置", }, }); } }); } }, // 获取位置信息 async getUserLocation(cb) { var that = this; let { latitude, longitude } = await getLocation(); this.setData({ latitude, longitude }); }, // 检查是否注册 是否远程调节 async remoteCheck() { // if($.storage.get('wxqcode')){ // return // } var that = this; await this.isGetSetting("cb").then(async (res) => { if ( { await userCheck({ longitude:, latitude:, }).then(async (res) => { if (res.result === "fail") { // && ! $.storage.set("logined", false); this.setData({ logined: false }); router.push("auth"); } else { await that.getTenant(res); // 第一次进入获取数据 // console.log($.storage.get('wxqcode'),"$.storage.get('wxqcode')") !$.storage.get("wxqcode") && that.getData(); !$.storage.get("wxqcode") && that.autoRefresh(this.getData); if ( $.storage.get("wxqcode") && $.storage.get("logined") ) { this.checkCode($.storage.get("wxqcode")); } } }); } }); }, getTenant(res) { // 存入全局 $.store.set("userInfo", res.content); return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { !$.store.get("openId") && $.store.set("openId", res.content.openId); !$.store.get("userId") && $.store.set("userId",; $.store.set("tenants", res.content.tenants); // 检查定位哪个租户 优先定位 再根据最近使用 let currentTenant = await this.checkTenant(res.content.tenants); $.store.set("projectId", currentTenant.projectId); $.store.set("tenantId", currentTenant.tenantId); $.store.set("tenantName", currentTenant.tenantName); // 存入Storage !$.store.get("logined") && $.storage.set("logined", true); this.setData({ logined: true }); !$.storage.get("openId") && $.storage.set("openId", res.content.openId); !$.storage.get("userId") && $.storage.set("userId",; $.storage.set("projectId", currentTenant.projectId); $.storage.set("tenantId", currentTenant.tenantId); $.storage.set("tenantName", currentTenant.tenantName); this.setData({ projectId: $.store.get("projectId"), tenantId: $.store.get("tenantId"), tenantName: $.store.get("tenantName"), tenants: $.store.get("tenants"), userId: $.store.get("userId"), }); // if ( { // this.checkCode(; // this.setData({ // formWxcode: false // }); // } resolve(); }); }, // 查询定位租户 checkTenant(value = []) { // 首先默认选中的是定位的租户,如果小程序定位的位置就是要调节的租户对应的空间(定位距离租户200m以内),直接调节; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const currntProjectId = $.storage.get("projectId"); const currntProjecttenantId = $.storage.get("tenantId"); const currntProjecttenantName = $.storage.get("tenantName"); let current = {}; if ($.store.get("changeTenantId")) { value.length && value.forEach((item) => { if (item.tenantId === currntProjecttenantId) { current.projectId = item.projectId; current.tenantId = item.tenantId; current.tenantName = item.tenantName; } }); $.store.set("changeTenantId", false); } else if ($.store.get("goHome")) { $.store.set("goHome", false); current.projectId = $.store.get("projectId"); current.tenantId = $.store.get("tenantId"); current.tenantName = $.store.get("tenantName"); } else if (value.length) { // 定位到的租户id var currentTens = []; // 定位到的租户详情 可能多个 var currentTensArr = []; value.forEach((item) => { if (item.current) { currentTens.push(item.tenantId); currentTensArr.push(item); } }); if (currentTens.length) { // 最近使用不包含定位 且没有手动切换项目 if ( !currentTens.includes(currntProjecttenantId) && ! ) { //定位改变 但不是通过调节改变 切换改变 current = currentTensArr[0]; } else if (currentTens.includes(currntProjecttenantId)) { currentTensArr.forEach((item) => { if (item.tenantId === currntProjecttenantId) { current.projectId = item.projectId; current.tenantId = item.tenantId; current.tenantName = item.tenantName; } }); } } else { if (currntProjecttenantId != "") { current.projectId = currntProjectId; current.tenantId = currntProjecttenantId; current.tenantName = currntProjecttenantName; } else { current = value[0]; } } } else { current.projectId = currntProjectId; current.tenantId = currntProjecttenantId; current.tenantName = currntProjecttenantName; } resolve(current); }); }, // 个人中心 gotoUser() { router.push("usercenter"); }, // 自动刷新 autoRefresh(fn) { if (refreshTimer) { this.clearTimer() } let refreshTime = $.store.get("autoRefreshTime"); refreshTimer = setInterval(() => { fn(); // this.autoRefresh(fn); }, refreshTime); }, /** * 获取页面服务端数据 */ async getData() { // $.loading() let userId = $.store.get("userId") || $.storage.get("userId"); if (!userId) { return; } // wx.showLoading({ // title:"加载中" // }) const data = { criteria: { userId: userId, projectId: $.store.get("projectId") || $.storage.get("projectId"), tenantId: $.store.get("tenantId") || $.storage.get("tenantId"), }, }; // let res = await queryRotation(data); let res = await getSpaceAdjustList(data); if (res.count) { res.content.forEach((item) => { (item.humidity || item.humidity == 0) && (item.humiditylevel = this.checkLevel( item.humidity, "humidity" )); (item.co2 || item.co2 == 0) && (item.co2level = this.checkLevel(item.co2, "co2")); (item.pm25 || item.pm25 == 0) && (item.pm25level = this.checkLevel(item.pm25, "pm25")); (item.hcho || item.hcho == 0) && (item.hcholevel = this.checkLevel(item.hcho, "hcho")); if (typeof item.isPassengerPass === "undefined") { item.isPassengerPassShow = false; } else { item.isPassengerPassShow = true; item.isPassengerPass = item.isPassengerPass ? "有人" : "无人"; } }); this.setData({ cardList: res.content }); } else { this.setData({ noDate: true, cardList: [] }); } // wx.hideLoading() // $.hideLoading() }, checkLevel(value, name) { let objList = { humidity: { range: [30, 70], text: ["干燥", "健康", "湿润"], }, co2: { range: [1000, 1500], text: ["达标", "略高", "超标"], }, pm25: { range: [35, 75], text: ["健康", "良", "污染"], }, hcho: { range: [0.1], text: ["健康", "超标"], }, }; let sortArr = [value, ...objList[name].range].sort((a, b) => { return a - b; }); let level = sortArr.findIndex((item) => item === value); let levelTxt = objList[name].text[level]; return { level, levelTxt }; }, /** * 去立即调节页面 */ goToadjust(e) { let index =; let data =[index]; data.outLine && (data.outLine = ""); router.push("adjust", data); }, meauClick(e) { if (e.currentTarget.dataset.index === 1) { this.getScancode(); } else { this.gotoSpacelist(); } }, // 获取扫码结果 getScancode: function () { // if (!$.storage.get('logined')) { // router.push('auth'); // return // } // 只允许从相机扫码 wx.scanCode({ onlyFromCamera: true, complete: (res) => { if (res.errMsg === '"scanCode:fail cancel"') {"已取消扫描"); } }, success: (res) => { // let result = res.result this.checkCode(res.result); }, fail: (res) => {"未扫描到结果"); }, }); }, gotoSpacelist() { router.push("spacelist"); // router.push("ipdauth") }, // 检查二维码 async checkCode(value) { // debugger console.log(value, 381); let scanArr = value.split("?"); let domain = scanArr[0]; let qualifiedUrl = [ "", "", "" ]; let type = getUrlParams(scanArr[1], 'type') // debugger if (qualifiedUrl.includes(domain)) { let md = scanArr[1].split("=") || []; let md1 = md[1]; console.log("扫码了====") // router.push("adjust", { md1 }); // debugger if (type === 'ipad') { this.confirmLogin(scanArr[1]) } else { router.push("adjust", { md1 }); } } else {"无效的二维码"); } }, confirmLogin(value) { let id = getUrlParams(value, 'id') let mac = getUrlParams(value, 'mac') let projectId = $.store.get("projectId") || $.storage.get("projectId") let param = { qrCodeId: id, macAddress: mac, status: 1, // 0-未扫码 1-已扫描 2-已确认 3-已经失效 projectId: projectId } comfirmCodeLogin(param).then(res => { if(res.result==='success'){ router.push("ipdauth", { 'id': id, 'mac': mac }) }else{; } }).catch(() => {"无效的二维码"); // router.push("ipdauth", { 'id': id, 'mac': mac }) }) }, async userLogin() { let that = this; let isLogined = await checkHasLogined(); if (!isLogined) { await authlogin().then(async (result) => { await getopenId(result.code).then(async (res) => { $.storage.set("openId", res.openId); $.store.set("openId", res.openId); await this.remoteCheck(); }); }); } else { await this.remoteCheck(); } }, chooseTenant(e) { if ($.store.get("tenants").length <= 1) { return; } router.push("projectlist"); }, async inItUserdate() { // 用户登录 await this.userLogin(); }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ async onLoad(options) { // 是否从微信直接进来 if (options.q !== undefined) { let q = decodeURIComponent(options.q); // let q=""; $.storage.set("wxqcode", q); // console.log($.storage.get('wxqcode'),"123") } $.storage.set("nextRemind", false); await this.inItUserdate(); console.log($.storage.get("wxqcode"), $.storage.get("logined"), "449"); // if($.storage.get('wxqcode')&&$.storage.get('logined')){ // this.checkCode($.storage.get('wxqcode')); // } this.getWeatherNum(); this.checkGuide(options.q); // 加载数据 // this.getData(); }, getWeatherNum() { let data = { projectId: $.store.get("projectId"), }; getWeather(data).then((res) => { if (res.content) { this.setData({ temperatureNum: res.content.temperature }); } }); }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ async onShow() { // await this.inItUserdate(); if ( $.storage.get("tenantId") && !$.store.get("changeTenantId") && ! ) { this.getData(); this.autoRefresh(this.getData); } if ( { this.setData( { tenantName: $.store.get("tenantName"), tenantId: $.store.get("tenantId"), projectId: $.store.get("projectId"), formList: false, }, () => { this.getData(); this.getWeatherNum(); this.userAnswer(); } ); } if ($.store.get("changeTenantId")) { await this.remoteCheck(); this.getWeatherNum(); this.checkGuide(); } }, clearTimer() { clearInterval(refreshTimer); refreshTimer = null; }, onHide() { this.clearTimer(); }, onUnload() { this.clearTimer(); }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ async onPullDownRefresh() { $.store.set("goHome", true); await this.remoteCheck(); wx.stopPullDownRefresh(); }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function () { }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function () { }, });