Browse Source


YaolongHan 4 years ago

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+root = true
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+ 58 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * *********************************************************************************************************************
+ *
+ *          !!
+ *        .F88X
+ *        X8888Y
+ *      .}888888N;
+ *        i888888N;        .:!              .I$WI:
+ *          R888888I      .'N88~            i8}+8Y&8"l8i$8>8W~'>W8}8]KW+8IIN"8&
+ *          .R888888I    .;N8888~          .X8'  "8I.!,/8"  !%NY8`"8I8~~8>,88I
+ *            +888888N;  .8888888Y                                  "&&8Y.}8,
+ *            ./888888N;  .R888888Y        .'}~    .>}'.`+>  i}!    "i'  +/'  .'i~  !11,.:">,  .~]!  .i}i
+ *              ~888888%:  .I888888l      .]88~`1/iY88Ii+1'.R$8$8]"888888888>  Y8$  W8E  X8E  W8888'188Il}Y88$*
+ *              18888888    E8888881    .]W%8$`R8X'&8%++N8i,8N%N8+l8%`  .}8N:.R$RE%N88N%N$K$R  188,FE$8%~Y88I
+ *            .E888888I  .i8888888'      .:$8I;88+`E8R:/8N,.>881.`$8E/1/]N8X.Y8N`"KF&&FK!'88*."88K./$88%RN888+~
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+ *          i888888N'      I888Y          ]88;/EX*IFKFK88X  K8R  .l8W  88Y  ~88}'88E&%8W.X8N``]88!.$8K  .:W8I
+ *        .i888888N;        I8Y          .&8$  .X88!  i881.:%888>I88  ;88]  +88+.';;;;:.Y88X  18N.,88l  .+88/
+ *      .:R888888I
+ *      .&888888I                                          Copyright (c) 2016-2020.  博锐尚格科技股份有限公司
+ *        ~8888'
+ *        .!88~                                                                     All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * *********************************************************************************************************************
+ */
+module.exports = {
+    root: true,
+    parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
+    extends: [
+        'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended',
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+        'prettier/@typescript-eslint',
+        // Enables eslint-plugin-prettier and eslint-config-prettier. This will display prettier errors as ESLint errors. Make sure this is always the last configuration in the extends array.
+        // 此行必须在最后
+        'plugin:prettier/recommended'
+    ],
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+        node: true
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+        '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': 'off',     // 取消未使用变量检查
+        '@typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility': ['error', { accessibility: 'no-public' }]       // public访问不需加访问修饰符
+    }

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# 发布时排除

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+## 依赖包版本号
+"@persagy-web/graph": "2.2.1"

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * *********************************************************************************************************************
+ *
+ *          !!
+ *        .F88X
+ *        X8888Y
+ *      .}888888N;
+ *        i888888N;        .:!              .I$WI:
+ *          R888888I      .'N88~            i8}+8Y&8"l8i$8>8W~'>W8}8]KW+8IIN"8&
+ *          .R888888I    .;N8888~          .X8'  "8I.!,/8"  !%NY8`"8I8~~8>,88I
+ *            +888888N;  .8888888Y                                  "&&8Y.}8,
+ *            ./888888N;  .R888888Y        .'}~    .>}'.`+>  i}!    "i'  +/'  .'i~  !11,.:">,  .~]!  .i}i
+ *              ~888888%:  .I888888l      .]88~`1/iY88Ii+1'.R$8$8]"888888888>  Y8$  W8E  X8E  W8888'188Il}Y88$*
+ *              18888888    E8888881    .]W%8$`R8X'&8%++N8i,8N%N8+l8%`  .}8N:.R$RE%N88N%N$K$R  188,FE$8%~Y88I
+ *            .E888888I  .i8888888'      .:$8I;88+`E8R:/8N,.>881.`$8E/1/]N8X.Y8N`"KF&&FK!'88*."88K./$88%RN888+~
+ *            8888888I  .,N888888~        ~88i"8W,!N8*.I88.}888%F,i$88"F88"  888:E8X.>88!i88>`888*.}Fl1]*}1YKi'
+ *          i888888N'      I888Y          ]88;/EX*IFKFK88X  K8R  .l8W  88Y  ~88}'88E&%8W.X8N``]88!.$8K  .:W8I
+ *        .i888888N;        I8Y          .&8$  .X88!  i881.:%888>I88  ;88]  +88+.';;;;:.Y88X  18N.,88l  .+88/
+ *      .:R888888I
+ *      .&888888I                                          Copyright (c) 2016-2020.  博锐尚格科技股份有限公司
+ *        ~8888'
+ *        .!88~                                                                     All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * *********************************************************************************************************************
+ */
+module.exports = {
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+    moduleFileExtensions: ["js", "ts"],
+    transform: {
+        "^.+\\.tsx?$": "ts-jest"
+    },
+    transformIgnorePatterns: ["/node_modules/"],
+    moduleNameMapper: {
+        "^@/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/$1"
+    },
+    collectCoverage: true

+ 46 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+    "name": "@persagy-web/edit",
+    "version": "2.2.1",
+    "description": "博锐尚格二维图形引擎。",
+    "main": "lib/index.js",
+    "types": "lib/index.d.js",
+    "remote": {
+        "host": "",
+        "path": "/opt/tomcat9/webapps/api/web/edit",
+        "user": "user1",
+        "password": "@)!^sagacloud",
+        "local": "api"
+    },
+    "scripts": {
+        "build": "tsc",
+        "publish": "npm publish",
+        "lint": "eslint src/**/*.{js,ts,tsx}",
+        "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
+        "typedoc": "typedoc --out api --hideGenerator src",
+        "publish-api": "node publish.js"
+    },
+    "keywords": [
+        "graph-edit"
+    ],
+    "author": "韩耀龙(",
+    "license": "ISC",
+    "publishConfig": {
+        "registry": ""
+    },
+    "devDependencies": {
+        "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^1.12.0",
+        "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^1.12.0",
+        "eslint": "^6.0.1",
+        "eslint-config-prettier": "^6.0.0",
+        "eslint-plugin-prettier": "^3.1.0",
+        "node-ssh": "^6.0.0",
+        "prettier": "^1.18.2",
+        "ts-jest": "^24.0.2",
+        "typedoc": "^0.17.4",
+        "typescript": "^3.5.3"
+    },
+    "dependencies": {
+        "@persagy-web/graph": "2.2.1",
+        "@types/uuid": "^8.0.0"
+    }

+ 58 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * *********************************************************************************************************************
+ *
+ *          !!
+ *        .F88X
+ *        X8888Y
+ *      .}888888N;
+ *        i888888N;        .:!              .I$WI:
+ *          R888888I      .'N88~            i8}+8Y&8"l8i$8>8W~'>W8}8]KW+8IIN"8&
+ *          .R888888I    .;N8888~          .X8'  "8I.!,/8"  !%NY8`"8I8~~8>,88I
+ *            +888888N;  .8888888Y                                  "&&8Y.}8,
+ *            ./888888N;  .R888888Y        .'}~    .>}'.`+>  i}!    "i'  +/'  .'i~  !11,.:">,  .~]!  .i}i
+ *              ~888888%:  .I888888l      .]88~`1/iY88Ii+1'.R$8$8]"888888888>  Y8$  W8E  X8E  W8888'188Il}Y88$*
+ *              18888888    E8888881    .]W%8$`R8X'&8%++N8i,8N%N8+l8%`  .}8N:.R$RE%N88N%N$K$R  188,FE$8%~Y88I
+ *            .E888888I  .i8888888'      .:$8I;88+`E8R:/8N,.>881.`$8E/1/]N8X.Y8N`"KF&&FK!'88*."88K./$88%RN888+~
+ *            8888888I  .,N888888~        ~88i"8W,!N8*.I88.}888%F,i$88"F88"  888:E8X.>88!i88>`888*.}Fl1]*}1YKi'
+ *          i888888N'      I888Y          ]88;/EX*IFKFK88X  K8R  .l8W  88Y  ~88}'88E&%8W.X8N``]88!.$8K  .:W8I
+ *        .i888888N;        I8Y          .&8$  .X88!  i881.:%888>I88  ;88]  +88+.';;;;:.Y88X  18N.,88l  .+88/
+ *      .:R888888I
+ *      .&888888I                                          Copyright (c) 2016-2020.  博锐尚格科技股份有限公司
+ *        ~8888'
+ *        .!88~                                                                     All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * *********************************************************************************************************************
+ */
+const Client = require("node-ssh");
+const ssh = new Client();
+    host: process.env.npm_package_remote_host,
+    port: "22",
+    username: process.env.npm_package_remote_user,
+    password: process.env.npm_package_remote_password
+}).then(() => {
+    const failedList = [];
+    ssh.putDirectory(
+        process.env.npm_package_remote_local,
+        process.env.npm_package_remote_path,
+        {
+            recursive: true,
+            concurrency: 1,
+            tick: function(localPath, remotePath, error) {
+                if (error) {
+                    failedList.push(localPath);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    ).then(status => {
+        if (failedList.length > 0) {
+            console.log("发布失败");
+            console.log("failed transfers", failedList.join(", "));
+        } else {
+            console.log(status ? "发布成功" : "发布失败");
+        }
+        ssh.dispose();
+    });

+ 66 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * *********************************************************************************************************************
+ *
+ *          !!
+ *        .F88X
+ *        X8888Y
+ *      .}888888N;
+ *        i888888N;        .:!              .I$WI:
+ *          R888888I      .'N88~            i8}+8Y&8"l8i$8>8W~'>W8}8]KW+8IIN"8&
+ *          .R888888I    .;N8888~          .X8'  "8I.!,/8"  !%NY8`"8I8~~8>,88I
+ *            +888888N;  .8888888Y                                  "&&8Y.}8,
+ *            ./888888N;  .R888888Y        .'}~    .>}'.`+>  i}!    "i'  +/'  .'i~  !11,.:">,  .~]!  .i}i
+ *              ~888888%:  .I888888l      .]88~`1/iY88Ii+1'.R$8$8]"888888888>  Y8$  W8E  X8E  W8888'188Il}Y88$*
+ *              18888888    E8888881    .]W%8$`R8X'&8%++N8i,8N%N8+l8%`  .}8N:.R$RE%N88N%N$K$R  188,FE$8%~Y88I
+ *            .E888888I  .i8888888'      .:$8I;88+`E8R:/8N,.>881.`$8E/1/]N8X.Y8N`"KF&&FK!'88*."88K./$88%RN888+~
+ *            8888888I  .,N888888~        ~88i"8W,!N8*.I88.}888%F,i$88"F88"  888:E8X.>88!i88>`888*.}Fl1]*}1YKi'
+ *          i888888N'      I888Y          ]88;/EX*IFKFK88X  K8R  .l8W  88Y  ~88}'88E&%8W.X8N``]88!.$8K  .:W8I
+ *        .i888888N;        I8Y          .&8$  .X88!  i881.:%888>I88  ;88]  +88+.';;;;:.Y88X  18N.,88l  .+88/
+ *      .:R888888I
+ *      .&888888I                                          Copyright (c) 2016-2020.  博锐尚格科技股份有限公司
+ *        ~8888'
+ *        .!88~                                                                     All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * *********************************************************************************************************************
+ */
+import { SGraphItem } from "@persagy-web/graph/";
+import { SItemStatus } from "@persagy-web/big";
+ * 编辑基类
+ *
+ * @author  韩耀龙(
+ */
+export class SGraphEdit extends SGraphItem {
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //属性
+    /**编辑状态 */
+    protected _status: SItemStatus = SItemStatus.Normal;
+    get status(): SItemStatus {
+        return this._status;
+    }
+    set status(value: SItemStatus) {
+        const oldStatus = this._status;
+        const newStatus = value;
+        this._status = value;
+        //状态变更触发事件
+        this.$emit('StatusChange', oldStatus, newStatus)
+        this.update();
+    }
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //函数
+    /**
+     * 将类中得数据转换为方便存储格式的方法
+     *
+     * return   any         针对item类型保持相应的格式
+     */
+    toData(): any {
+    }
+    constructor(parent: SGraphItem | null, ) {
+        super(parent)
+    }

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * *********************************************************************************************************************
+ *
+ *          !!
+ *        .F88X
+ *        X8888Y
+ *      .}888888N;
+ *        i888888N;        .:!              .I$WI:
+ *          R888888I      .'N88~            i8}+8Y&8"l8i$8>8W~'>W8}8]KW+8IIN"8&
+ *          .R888888I    .;N8888~          .X8'  "8I.!,/8"  !%NY8`"8I8~~8>,88I
+ *            +888888N;  .8888888Y                                  "&&8Y.}8,
+ *            ./888888N;  .R888888Y        .'}~    .>}'.`+>  i}!    "i'  +/'  .'i~  !11,.:">,  .~]!  .i}i
+ *              ~888888%:  .I888888l      .]88~`1/iY88Ii+1'.R$8$8]"888888888>  Y8$  W8E  X8E  W8888'188Il}Y88$*
+ *              18888888    E8888881    .]W%8$`R8X'&8%++N8i,8N%N8+l8%`  .}8N:.R$RE%N88N%N$K$R  188,FE$8%~Y88I
+ *            .E888888I  .i8888888'      .:$8I;88+`E8R:/8N,.>881.`$8E/1/]N8X.Y8N`"KF&&FK!'88*."88K./$88%RN888+~
+ *            8888888I  .,N888888~        ~88i"8W,!N8*.I88.}888%F,i$88"F88"  888:E8X.>88!i88>`888*.}Fl1]*}1YKi'
+ *          i888888N'      I888Y          ]88;/EX*IFKFK88X  K8R  .l8W  88Y  ~88}'88E&%8W.X8N``]88!.$8K  .:W8I
+ *        .i888888N;        I8Y          .&8$  .X88!  i881.:%888>I88  ;88]  +88+.';;;;:.Y88X  18N.,88l  .+88/
+ *      .:R888888I
+ *      .&888888I                                          Copyright (c) 2016-2020.  博锐尚格科技股份有限公司
+ *        ~8888'
+ *        .!88~                                                                     All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * *********************************************************************************************************************
+ */
+import {SGraphEdit} from "./SGraphEdit";
+export {SGraphEdit}

+ 16 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+    "compilerOptions": {
+        "target": "es6",                            // Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017', 'ES2018', 'ES2019' or 'ESNEXT'.
+        "module": "commonjs",                       // Specify module code generation: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', or 'ESNext'.
+        "outDir": "./lib",                          // 编译后生成的文件目录
+        "strict": true,                             // 开启严格的类型检测
+        "declaration": true,                        // 生成 `.d.ts` 文件
+        "experimentalDecorators": true,             // 开启装饰器
+        "removeComments": true,                     // 去除注释
+        "noImplicitAny": true,                      // 在表达式和声明上有隐含的 any类型时报错。
+        "esModuleInterop": true,                    // 支持别名导入
+        "moduleResolution": "node"                  // 此处设置为node,才能解析import xx from 'xx'
+    },
+    "include": ["./src"],
+    "exclude": ["node_modules"]

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+    "name": "博锐尚格绘制引擎",
+    "mode": "file",
+    "out": "doc",
+    "exclude": ["**/*+(index|.test).ts"]