using static SharpCompress.Compressors.Rar.UnpackV2017.Unpack.Unpack15Local; namespace SharpCompress.Compressors.Rar.UnpackV2017 { internal partial class Unpack { private const int STARTL1 =2; private static readonly uint[] DecL1={0x8000,0xa000,0xc000,0xd000,0xe000,0xea00, 0xee00,0xf000,0xf200,0xf200,0xffff}; private static readonly uint[] PosL1={0,0,0,2,3,5,7,11,16,20,24,32,32}; private const int STARTL2 =3; private static readonly uint[] DecL2={0xa000,0xc000,0xd000,0xe000,0xea00,0xee00, 0xf000,0xf200,0xf240,0xffff}; private static readonly uint[] PosL2={0,0,0,0,5,7,9,13,18,22,26,34,36}; private const int STARTHF0 =4; private static readonly uint[] DecHf0={0x8000,0xc000,0xe000,0xf200,0xf200,0xf200, 0xf200,0xf200,0xffff}; private static readonly uint[] PosHf0={0,0,0,0,0,8,16,24,33,33,33,33,33}; private const int STARTHF1 =5; private static readonly uint[] DecHf1={0x2000,0xc000,0xe000,0xf000,0xf200,0xf200, 0xf7e0,0xffff}; private static readonly uint[] PosHf1={0,0,0,0,0,0,4,44,60,76,80,80,127}; private const int STARTHF2 =5; private static readonly uint[] DecHf2={0x1000,0x2400,0x8000,0xc000,0xfa00,0xffff, 0xffff,0xffff}; private static readonly uint[] PosHf2={0,0,0,0,0,0,2,7,53,117,233,0,0}; private const int STARTHF3 =6; private static readonly uint[] DecHf3={0x800,0x2400,0xee00,0xfe80,0xffff,0xffff, 0xffff}; private static readonly uint[] PosHf3={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,16,218,251,0,0}; private const int STARTHF4 =8; private static readonly uint[] DecHf4={0xff00,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff}; private static readonly uint[] PosHf4={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255,0,0,0}; private void Unpack15(bool Solid) { UnpInitData(Solid); UnpInitData15(Solid); UnpReadBuf(); if (!Solid) { InitHuff(); UnpPtr=0; } else UnpPtr=WrPtr; --DestUnpSize; if (DestUnpSize>=0) { GetFlagsBuf(); FlagsCnt=8; } while (DestUnpSize>=0) { UnpPtr&=MaxWinMask; if (Inp.InAddr>ReadTop-30 && !UnpReadBuf()) break; if (((WrPtr-UnpPtr) & MaxWinMask)<270 && WrPtr!=UnpPtr) UnpWriteBuf20(); if (StMode != 0) { HuffDecode(); continue; } if (--FlagsCnt < 0) { GetFlagsBuf(); FlagsCnt=7; } if ((FlagBuf & 0x80) != 0) { FlagBuf<<=1; if (Nlzb > Nhfb) LongLZ(); else HuffDecode(); } else { FlagBuf<<=1; if (--FlagsCnt < 0) { GetFlagsBuf(); FlagsCnt=7; } if ((FlagBuf & 0x80) != 0) { FlagBuf<<=1; if (Nlzb > Nhfb) HuffDecode(); else LongLZ(); } else { FlagBuf<<=1; ShortLZ(); } } } UnpWriteBuf20(); } //#define GetShortLen1(pos) ((pos)==1 ? Buf60+3:ShortLen1[pos]) private uint GetShortLen1(uint pos) { return ((pos)==1 ? (uint)(Buf60+3):ShortLen1[pos]); } //#define GetShortLen2(pos) ((pos)==3 ? Buf60+3:ShortLen2[pos]) private uint GetShortLen2(uint pos) { return ((pos)==3 ? (uint)(Buf60+3):ShortLen2[pos]); } internal static class Unpack15Local { public static readonly uint[] ShortLen1={1,3,4,4,5,6,7,8,8,4,4,5,6,6,4,0}; public static readonly uint[] ShortXor1={0,0xa0,0xd0,0xe0,0xf0,0xf8,0xfc,0xfe, 0xff,0xc0,0x80,0x90,0x98,0x9c,0xb0}; public static readonly uint[] ShortLen2={2,3,3,3,4,4,5,6,6,4,4,5,6,6,4,0}; public static readonly uint[] ShortXor2={0,0x40,0x60,0xa0,0xd0,0xe0,0xf0,0xf8, 0xfc,0xc0,0x80,0x90,0x98,0x9c,0xb0}; } private void ShortLZ() { uint Length,SaveLength; uint LastDistance; uint Distance; int DistancePlace; NumHuf=0; uint BitField=Inp.fgetbits(); if (LCount==2) { Inp.faddbits(1); if (BitField >= 0x8000) { CopyString15((uint)LastDist,LastLength); return; } BitField <<= 1; LCount=0; } BitField>>=8; // not thread safe, replaced by GetShortLen1 and GetShortLen2 macro // ShortLen1[1]=ShortLen2[3]=Buf60+3; if (AvrLn1<37) { for (Length=0;;Length++) if (((BitField^ShortXor1[Length]) & (~(0xff>>(int)GetShortLen1(Length))))==0) break; Inp.faddbits(GetShortLen1(Length)); } else { for (Length=0;;Length++) if (((BitField^ShortXor2[Length]) & (~(0xff>>(int)GetShortLen2(Length))))==0) break; Inp.faddbits(GetShortLen2(Length)); } if (Length >= 9) { if (Length == 9) { LCount++; CopyString15((uint)LastDist,LastLength); return; } if (Length == 14) { LCount=0; Length=DecodeNum(Inp.fgetbits(),STARTL2,DecL2,PosL2)+5; Distance=(Inp.fgetbits()>>1) | 0x8000; Inp.faddbits(15); LastLength=Length; LastDist=Distance; CopyString15(Distance,Length); return; } LCount=0; SaveLength=Length; Distance=OldDist[(OldDistPtr-(Length-9)) & 3]; Length=DecodeNum(Inp.fgetbits(),STARTL1,DecL1,PosL1)+2; if (Length==0x101 && SaveLength==10) { Buf60 ^= 1; return; } if (Distance > 256) Length++; if (Distance >= MaxDist3) Length++; OldDist[OldDistPtr++]=Distance; OldDistPtr = OldDistPtr & 3; LastLength=Length; LastDist=Distance; CopyString15(Distance,Length); return; } LCount=0; AvrLn1 += Length; AvrLn1 -= AvrLn1 >> 4; DistancePlace=(int)(DecodeNum(Inp.fgetbits(),STARTHF2,DecHf2,PosHf2) & 0xff); Distance=ChSetA[DistancePlace]; if (--DistancePlace != -1) { LastDistance=ChSetA[DistancePlace]; ChSetA[DistancePlace+1]=(ushort)LastDistance; ChSetA[DistancePlace]=(ushort)Distance; } Length+=2; OldDist[OldDistPtr++] = ++Distance; OldDistPtr = OldDistPtr & 3; LastLength=Length; LastDist=Distance; CopyString15(Distance,Length); } private void LongLZ() { uint Length; uint Distance; uint DistancePlace,NewDistancePlace; uint OldAvr2,OldAvr3; NumHuf=0; Nlzb+=16; if (Nlzb > 0xff) { Nlzb=0x90; Nhfb >>= 1; } OldAvr2=AvrLn2; uint BitField=Inp.fgetbits(); if (AvrLn2 >= 122) Length=DecodeNum(BitField,STARTL2,DecL2,PosL2); else if (AvrLn2 >= 64) Length=DecodeNum(BitField,STARTL1,DecL1,PosL1); else if (BitField < 0x100) { Length=BitField; Inp.faddbits(16); } else { for (Length=0;((BitField<<(int)Length)&0x8000)==0;Length++) ; Inp.faddbits(Length+1); } AvrLn2 += Length; AvrLn2 -= AvrLn2 >> 5; BitField=Inp.fgetbits(); if (AvrPlcB > 0x28ff) DistancePlace=DecodeNum(BitField,STARTHF2,DecHf2,PosHf2); else if (AvrPlcB > 0x6ff) DistancePlace=DecodeNum(BitField,STARTHF1,DecHf1,PosHf1); else DistancePlace=DecodeNum(BitField,STARTHF0,DecHf0,PosHf0); AvrPlcB += DistancePlace; AvrPlcB -= AvrPlcB >> 8; while (true) { Distance = ChSetB[DistancePlace & 0xff]; NewDistancePlace = NToPlB[Distance++ & 0xff]++; if ((Distance & 0xff) != 0) CorrHuff(ChSetB,NToPlB); else break; } ChSetB[DistancePlace & 0xff]=ChSetB[NewDistancePlace]; ChSetB[NewDistancePlace]=(ushort)Distance; Distance=((Distance & 0xff00) | (Inp.fgetbits() >> 8)) >> 1; Inp.faddbits(7); OldAvr3=AvrLn3; if (Length!=1 && Length!=4) if (Length==0 && Distance <= MaxDist3) { AvrLn3++; AvrLn3 -= AvrLn3 >> 8; } else if (AvrLn3 > 0) AvrLn3--; Length+=3; if (Distance >= MaxDist3) Length++; if (Distance <= 256) Length+=8; if (OldAvr3 > 0xb0 || AvrPlc >= 0x2a00 && OldAvr2 < 0x40) MaxDist3=0x7f00; else MaxDist3=0x2001; OldDist[OldDistPtr++]=Distance; OldDistPtr = OldDistPtr & 3; LastLength=Length; LastDist=Distance; CopyString15(Distance,Length); } private void HuffDecode() { uint CurByte,NewBytePlace; uint Length; uint Distance; int BytePlace; uint BitField=Inp.fgetbits(); if (AvrPlc > 0x75ff) BytePlace=(int)DecodeNum(BitField,STARTHF4,DecHf4,PosHf4); else if (AvrPlc > 0x5dff) BytePlace=(int)DecodeNum(BitField,STARTHF3,DecHf3,PosHf3); else if (AvrPlc > 0x35ff) BytePlace=(int)DecodeNum(BitField,STARTHF2,DecHf2,PosHf2); else if (AvrPlc > 0x0dff) BytePlace=(int)DecodeNum(BitField,STARTHF1,DecHf1,PosHf1); else BytePlace=(int)DecodeNum(BitField,STARTHF0,DecHf0,PosHf0); BytePlace&=0xff; if (StMode != 0) { if (BytePlace==0 && BitField > 0xfff) BytePlace=0x100; if (--BytePlace==-1) { BitField=Inp.fgetbits(); Inp.faddbits(1); if ((BitField & 0x8000) != 0) { NumHuf=StMode=0; return; } else { Length = (BitField & 0x4000) != 0 ? 4U : 3; Inp.faddbits(1); Distance=DecodeNum(Inp.fgetbits(),STARTHF2,DecHf2,PosHf2); Distance = (Distance << 5) | (Inp.fgetbits() >> 11); Inp.faddbits(5); CopyString15(Distance,Length); return; } } } else if (NumHuf++ >= 16 && FlagsCnt==0) StMode=1; AvrPlc += (uint)BytePlace; AvrPlc -= AvrPlc >> 8; Nhfb+=16; if (Nhfb > 0xff) { Nhfb=0x90; Nlzb >>= 1; } Window[UnpPtr++]=(byte)(ChSet[BytePlace]>>8); --DestUnpSize; while (true) { CurByte=ChSet[BytePlace]; NewBytePlace=NToPl[CurByte++ & 0xff]++; if ((CurByte & 0xff) > 0xa1) CorrHuff(ChSet,NToPl); else break; } ChSet[BytePlace]=ChSet[NewBytePlace]; ChSet[NewBytePlace]=(ushort)CurByte; } private void GetFlagsBuf() { uint Flags,NewFlagsPlace; uint FlagsPlace=DecodeNum(Inp.fgetbits(),STARTHF2,DecHf2,PosHf2); // Our Huffman table stores 257 items and needs all them in other parts // of code such as when StMode is on, so the first item is control item. // While normally we do not use the last item to code the flags byte here, // we need to check for value 256 when unpacking in case we unpack // a corrupt archive. if (FlagsPlace>=ChSetC.Length) return; while (true) { Flags=ChSetC[FlagsPlace]; FlagBuf=Flags>>8; NewFlagsPlace=NToPlC[Flags++ & 0xff]++; if ((Flags & 0xff) != 0) break; CorrHuff(ChSetC,NToPlC); } ChSetC[FlagsPlace]=ChSetC[NewFlagsPlace]; ChSetC[NewFlagsPlace]=(ushort)Flags; } private void UnpInitData15(bool Solid) { if (!Solid) { AvrPlcB=AvrLn1=AvrLn2=AvrLn3=0; NumHuf=Buf60=0; AvrPlc=0x3500; MaxDist3=0x2001; Nhfb=Nlzb=0x80; } FlagsCnt=0; FlagBuf=0; StMode=0; LCount=0; ReadTop=0; } private void InitHuff() { for (uint I=0;I<256;I++) { ChSet[I]=ChSetB[I]=(ushort)(I<<8); ChSetA[I]=(ushort)I; ChSetC[I]=(ushort)(((~I+1) & 0xff)<<8); } Utility.Memset(NToPl,0,NToPl.Length); Utility.Memset(NToPlB,0,NToPlB.Length); Utility.Memset(NToPlC,0,NToPlC.Length); CorrHuff(ChSetB,NToPlB); } private void CorrHuff(ushort[] CharSet,byte[] NumToPlace) { int I,J; for (I=7;I>=0;I--) for (J=0;J<32;J++) CharSet[J]=(ushort)((CharSet[J] & ~0xff) | I); Utility.Memset(NumToPlace,0,NToPl.Length); for (I=6;I>=0;I--) NumToPlace[I]=(byte)((7-I)*32); } private void CopyString15(uint Distance,uint Length) { DestUnpSize-=Length; while (Length-- != 0) { Window[UnpPtr]=Window[(UnpPtr-Distance) & MaxWinMask]; UnpPtr=(UnpPtr+1) & MaxWinMask; } } private uint DecodeNum(uint Num,uint StartPos,uint[] DecTab,uint[] PosTab) { int I; for (Num&=0xfff0,I=0;DecTab[I]<=Num;I++) StartPos++; Inp.faddbits(StartPos); return(((Num-(I != 0 ? DecTab[I-1]:0))>>(int)(16-StartPos))+PosTab[StartPos]); } } }