#if !Rar2017_64bit using nint = System.Int32; using nuint = System.UInt32; using size_t = System.UInt32; #else using nint = System.Int64; using nuint = System.UInt64; using size_t = System.UInt64; #endif using SharpCompress.IO; using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; namespace SharpCompress.Common.Rar.Headers { internal class FileHeader : RarHeader { private uint _fileCrc; public FileHeader(RarHeader header, RarCrcBinaryReader reader, HeaderType headerType) : base(header, reader, headerType) { } protected override void ReadFinish(MarkingBinaryReader reader) { if (IsRar5) { ReadFromReaderV5(reader); } else { ReadFromReaderV4(reader); } } private void ReadFromReaderV5(MarkingBinaryReader reader) { Flags = reader.ReadRarVIntUInt16(); var lvalue = checked((long)reader.ReadRarVInt()); // long.MaxValue causes the unpack code to finish when the input stream is exhausted UncompressedSize = HasFlag(FileFlagsV5.UNPACKED_SIZE_UNKNOWN) ? long.MaxValue : lvalue; FileAttributes = reader.ReadRarVIntUInt32(); if (HasFlag(FileFlagsV5.HAS_MOD_TIME)) { FileLastModifiedTime = Utility.UnixTimeToDateTime(reader.ReadUInt32()); } if (HasFlag(FileFlagsV5.HAS_CRC32)) { FileCrc = reader.ReadUInt32(); } var compressionInfo = reader.ReadRarVIntUInt16(); // Lower 6 bits (0x003f mask) contain the version of compression algorithm, resulting in possible 0 - 63 values. Current version is 0. // "+ 50" to not mix with old RAR format algorithms. For example, // we may need to use the compression algorithm 15 in the future, // but it was already used in RAR 1.5 and Unpack needs to distinguish // them. CompressionAlgorithm = (byte)((compressionInfo & 0x3f) + 50); // 7th bit (0x0040) defines the solid flag. If it is set, RAR continues to use the compression dictionary left after processing preceding files. // It can be set only for file headers and is never set for service headers. IsSolid = (compressionInfo & 0x40) == 0x40; // Bits 8 - 10 (0x0380 mask) define the compression method. Currently only values 0 - 5 are used. 0 means no compression. CompressionMethod = (byte)((compressionInfo >> 7) & 0x7); // Bits 11 - 14 (0x3c00) define the minimum size of dictionary size required to extract data. Value 0 means 128 KB, 1 - 256 KB, ..., 14 - 2048 MB, 15 - 4096 MB. WindowSize = IsDirectory ? 0 : ((size_t)0x20000) << ((compressionInfo>>10) & 0xf); HostOs = reader.ReadRarVIntByte(); var nameSize = reader.ReadRarVIntUInt16(); // Variable length field containing Name length bytes in UTF-8 format without trailing zero. // For file header this is a name of archived file. Forward slash character is used as the path separator both for Unix and Windows names. // Backslashes are treated as a part of name for Unix names and as invalid character for Windows file names. Type of name is defined by Host OS field. // // TODO: not sure if anything needs to be done to handle the following: // If Unix file name contains any high ASCII characters which cannot be correctly converted to Unicode and UTF-8 // we map such characters to to 0xE080 - 0xE0FF private use Unicode area and insert 0xFFFE Unicode non-character // to resulting string to indicate that it contains mapped characters, which need to be converted back when extracting. // Concrete position of 0xFFFE is not defined, we need to search the entire string for it. Such mapped names are not // portable and can be correctly unpacked only on the same system where they were created. // // For service header this field contains a name of service header. Now the following names are used: // CMT Archive comment // QO Archive quick open data // ACL NTFS file permissions // STM NTFS alternate data stream // RR Recovery record var b = reader.ReadBytes(nameSize); FileName = ConvertPathV5(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(b, 0, b.Length)); // extra size seems to be redudant since we know the total header size if (ExtraSize != RemainingHeaderBytes(reader)) { throw new InvalidFormatException("rar5 header size / extra size inconsistency"); } isEncryptedRar5 = false; while (RemainingHeaderBytes(reader) > 0) { var size = reader.ReadRarVIntUInt16(); int n = RemainingHeaderBytes(reader); var type = reader.ReadRarVIntUInt16(); switch (type) { //TODO case 1: // file encryption { isEncryptedRar5 = true; //var version = reader.ReadRarVIntByte(); //if (version != 0) throw new InvalidFormatException("unknown encryption algorithm " + version); } break; // case 2: // file hash // { // // } // break; case 3: // file time { ushort flags = reader.ReadRarVIntUInt16(); var isWindowsTime = (flags & 1) == 0; if ((flags & 0x2) == 0x2) { FileLastModifiedTime = ReadExtendedTimeV5(reader, isWindowsTime); } if ((flags & 0x4) == 0x4) { FileCreatedTime = ReadExtendedTimeV5(reader, isWindowsTime); } if ((flags & 0x8) == 0x8) { FileLastAccessedTime = ReadExtendedTimeV5(reader, isWindowsTime); } } break; //TODO // case 4: // file version // { // // } // break; // case 5: // file system redirection // { // // } // break; // case 6: // unix owner // { // // } // break; // case 7: // service data // { // // } // break; default: // skip unknown record types to allow new record types to be added in the future break; } // drain any trailing bytes of extra record int did = n - RemainingHeaderBytes(reader); int drain = size - did; if (drain > 0) { reader.ReadBytes(drain); } } if (AdditionalDataSize != 0) { CompressedSize = AdditionalDataSize; } } private static DateTime ReadExtendedTimeV5(MarkingBinaryReader reader, bool isWindowsTime) { if (isWindowsTime) { return DateTime.FromFileTime(reader.ReadInt64()); } else { return Utility.UnixTimeToDateTime(reader.ReadUInt32()); } } private static string ConvertPathV5(string path) { #if NO_FILE // not sure what to do here throw new NotImplementedException("TODO"); #else if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '\\') { // replace embedded \\ with valid filename char return path.Replace('\\', '-').Replace('/', '\\'); } return path; #endif } private void ReadFromReaderV4(MarkingBinaryReader reader) { Flags = HeaderFlags; IsSolid = HasFlag(FileFlagsV4.SOLID); WindowSize = IsDirectory ? 0U : ((size_t)0x10000) << ((Flags & FileFlagsV4.WINDOW_MASK) >> 5); uint lowUncompressedSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); HostOs = reader.ReadByte(); FileCrc = reader.ReadUInt32(); FileLastModifiedTime = Utility.DosDateToDateTime(reader.ReadUInt32()); CompressionAlgorithm = reader.ReadByte(); CompressionMethod = (byte)(reader.ReadByte() - 0x30); short nameSize = reader.ReadInt16(); FileAttributes = reader.ReadUInt32(); uint highCompressedSize = 0; uint highUncompressedkSize = 0; if (HasFlag(FileFlagsV4.LARGE)) { highCompressedSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); highUncompressedkSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); } else { if (lowUncompressedSize == 0xffffffff) { lowUncompressedSize = 0xffffffff; highUncompressedkSize = int.MaxValue; } } CompressedSize = UInt32To64(highCompressedSize, checked((uint)AdditionalDataSize)); UncompressedSize = UInt32To64(highUncompressedkSize, lowUncompressedSize); nameSize = nameSize > 4 * 1024 ? (short)(4 * 1024) : nameSize; byte[] fileNameBytes = reader.ReadBytes(nameSize); const int saltSize = 8; const int newLhdSize = 32; switch (HeaderCode) { case HeaderCodeV.RAR4_FILE_HEADER: { if (HasFlag(FileFlagsV4.UNICODE)) { int length = 0; while (length < fileNameBytes.Length && fileNameBytes[length] != 0) { length++; } if (length != nameSize) { length++; FileName = FileNameDecoder.Decode(fileNameBytes, length); } else { FileName = ArchiveEncoding.Decode(fileNameBytes); } } else { FileName = ArchiveEncoding.Decode(fileNameBytes); } FileName = ConvertPathV4(FileName); } break; case HeaderCodeV.RAR4_NEW_SUB_HEADER: { int datasize = HeaderSize - newLhdSize - nameSize; if (HasFlag(FileFlagsV4.SALT)) { datasize -= saltSize; } if (datasize > 0) { SubData = reader.ReadBytes(datasize); } if (NewSubHeaderType.SUBHEAD_TYPE_RR.Equals(fileNameBytes)) { RecoverySectors = SubData[8] + (SubData[9] << 8) + (SubData[10] << 16) + (SubData[11] << 24); } } break; } if (HasFlag(FileFlagsV4.SALT)) { R4Salt = reader.ReadBytes(saltSize); } if (HasFlag(FileFlagsV4.EXT_TIME)) { // verify that the end of the header hasn't been reached before reading the Extended Time. // some tools incorrectly omit Extended Time despite specifying FileFlags.EXTTIME, which most parsers tolerate. if (RemainingHeaderBytes(reader) >= 2) { ushort extendedFlags = reader.ReadUInt16(); FileLastModifiedTime = ProcessExtendedTimeV4(extendedFlags, FileLastModifiedTime, reader, 0); FileCreatedTime = ProcessExtendedTimeV4(extendedFlags, null, reader, 1); FileLastAccessedTime = ProcessExtendedTimeV4(extendedFlags, null, reader, 2); FileArchivedTime = ProcessExtendedTimeV4(extendedFlags, null, reader, 3); } } } private static long UInt32To64(uint x, uint y) { long l = x; l <<= 32; return l + y; } private static DateTime? ProcessExtendedTimeV4(ushort extendedFlags, DateTime? time, MarkingBinaryReader reader, int i) { uint rmode = (uint)extendedFlags >> (3 - i) * 4; if ((rmode & 8) == 0) { return null; } if (i != 0) { uint dosTime = reader.ReadUInt32(); time = Utility.DosDateToDateTime(dosTime); } if ((rmode & 4) == 0) { time = time.Value.AddSeconds(1); } uint nanosecondHundreds = 0; int count = (int)rmode & 3; for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { byte b = reader.ReadByte(); nanosecondHundreds |= (((uint)b) << ((j + 3 - count) * 8)); } //10^-7 to 10^-3 return time.Value.AddMilliseconds(nanosecondHundreds * Math.Pow(10, -4)); } private static string ConvertPathV4(string path) { #if NO_FILE return path.Replace('\\', '/'); #else if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/') { return path.Replace('\\', '/'); } else if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '\\') { return path.Replace('/', '\\'); } return path; #endif } public override string ToString() { return FileName; } private ushort Flags { get; set; } private bool HasFlag(ushort flag) { return (Flags & flag) == flag; } internal uint FileCrc { get { if (IsRar5 && !HasFlag(FileFlagsV5.HAS_CRC32)) { //!!! rar5: throw new InvalidOperationException("TODO rar5"); } return _fileCrc; } private set => _fileCrc = value; } // 0 - storing // 1 - fastest compression // 2 - fast compression // 3 - normal compression // 4 - good compression // 5 - best compression internal byte CompressionMethod { get; private set; } internal bool IsStored => CompressionMethod == 0; // eg (see DoUnpack()) //case 15: // rar 1.5 compression //case 20: // rar 2.x compression //case 26: // files larger than 2GB //case 29: // rar 3.x compression //case 50: // RAR 5.0 compression algorithm. internal byte CompressionAlgorithm { get; private set; } public bool IsSolid { get; private set; } // unused for UnpackV1 implementation (limitation) internal size_t WindowSize { get; private set; } internal byte[] R4Salt { get; private set; } private byte HostOs { get; set; } internal uint FileAttributes { get; private set; } internal long CompressedSize { get; private set; } internal long UncompressedSize { get; private set; } internal string FileName { get; private set; } internal byte[] SubData { get; private set; } internal int RecoverySectors { get; private set; } internal long DataStartPosition { get; set; } public Stream PackedStream { get; set; } public bool IsSplitAfter => IsRar5 ? HasHeaderFlag(HeaderFlagsV5.SPLIT_AFTER) : HasFlag(FileFlagsV4.SPLIT_AFTER); public bool IsDirectory => HasFlag(IsRar5 ? FileFlagsV5.DIRECTORY : FileFlagsV4.DIRECTORY); private bool isEncryptedRar5 = false; public bool IsEncrypted => IsRar5 ? isEncryptedRar5: HasFlag(FileFlagsV4.PASSWORD); internal DateTime? FileLastModifiedTime { get; private set; } internal DateTime? FileCreatedTime { get; private set; } internal DateTime? FileLastAccessedTime { get; private set; } internal DateTime? FileArchivedTime { get; private set; } } }