Say \"Yes\" To These 5 Bio Ethanol Fireplace Tips
fireplacesandstove3520 edited this page 3 months ago

Bio Ethanol Fireplaces

Ethanol fireplaces can give a cozy feeling to any room, without the need for expensive construction work or gas supply. They are the safest fireplace type that is available.

If you utilize bio-ethanol fuels that have been specifically designed for your fireplace and adhere to the safety guidelines, your fireplace should be extremely safe to use.

Installation is simple

Ethanol fires are a quick and easy option for homeowners who wish to change the look of their living space or add a focal point to their home decor. They don't require a flue and they don't release dangerous smoke which means you don't need to be concerned about the accumulation of soot on your ceilings or walls.

Installation is easy and doesn't require any assistance from a professional. All you have to do is make sure that the wall or ceiling is sturdy enough and follow the guidelines for the specific model.

Most ethanol fireplaces that are wall-mounted come with the equipment needed to mount them either like flat screen TVs or recess into the wall. It takes an experienced professional around an hour to install the brackets, extensions, and locate the studs.

You also have a choice of manual or automated bioethanol burners. The automated burner keeps the fuel from the flames so it can burn for longer without the risk of overheating or running out. A manual burner operates exactly the same way as a traditional fireplace, however you'll need matches or lighters to light the flames.

It's important to remember when selecting a bioethanol burner, it must be covered with non-combustible materials. This will ensure that nothing touches the burning fuel. If you don't cover your burner, it could cause the fire to overheat. This could damage the fireplace.

Ethanol Fires