计算所有业务空间, 在竖直方向上的面积重叠关系
1. 获取所有建筑, for循环获取每个建筑下所有的业务空间, 按楼层分类
2. 每个楼层的每个业务空间分别和别的楼层的每个业务空间判断is_vertically_overlap
3. 将结果是true的两个业务空间保存起来
4. 删除旧业务空间的垂直交通关系(自动计算的), 添加新关系
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."is_vertically_overlap"("project_id" varchar)
RETURNS "pg_catalog"."bool" AS $BODY$
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
import json
# 获取Polygon对象
def get_polygon(single_poly):
poly_len = len(single_poly)
poly = []
for i in range(poly_len):
pair = single_poly[i]
poly.append((pair["X"], pair["Y"]))
return Polygon(poly)
# 在polygon1包含polygon2的时候, 检测是否polygon1内的空洞也包含polygon2
def is_include(polygon1, poly2):
length1 = len(polygon1)
for i in range(1, length1):
poly1 = get_polygon(polygon1[i])
if poly1.overlaps(poly2):
return True
except Exception as e:
return False
if poly1.equals(poly2) or poly1.contains(poly2):
return False
return True
def is_sub_outline_overlap(polygon1, polygon2):
poly1 = get_polygon(polygon1[0])
poly2 = get_polygon(polygon2[0])
if poly1.overlaps(poly2) or poly1.equals(poly2):
return True
if poly1.contains(poly2):
return is_include(polygon1, poly2)
if poly2.contains(poly1):
return is_include(polygon2, poly1)
except Exception as e:
return False
return False
# 是否垂直方向上面积有重叠
def is_vertically_overlap(polygon1, polygon2):
length1 = len(polygon1)
length2 = len(polygon2)
if length1 == 0 or length2 == 0:
return False
for i in range(length1):
for j in range(length2):
if is_sub_outline_overlap(polygon1[i], polygon2[j]):
return True
return False
# building -> floor -> object_type -> [space_id]
def compose_dict(zone_data):
building_map = dict()
for row in zone_data:
building_id = row['building_id']
floor_id = row['floor_id']
object_type = row['object_type']
if building_id not in building_map:
building_map[building_id] = dict()
floor_map = building_map[building_id]
if floor_id not in floor_map:
floor_map[floor_id] = dict()
type_map = floor_map[floor_id]
if object_type not in type_map:
type_map[object_type] = []
arr = type_map[object_type]
return building_map
# 获取所有建筑, for循环获取每个建筑下所有的业务空间, 按楼层分类
zone_plan = plpy.prepare("SELECT rel.space_id, fl.building_id, rel.floor_id, rel.object_type, sp.outline FROM r_sp_in_fl rel LEFT JOIN public.floor fl on fl.id = rel.floor_id left join zone_space_base sp on rel.space_id = sp.id where rel.project_id = $1 and sp.outline is not null", ["text"])
zone_data = zone_plan.execute([project_id])
if len(zone_data) <2:
return True
row_map = compose_dict(zone_data)
space_outline_json_map = dict()
result_arr = []
# 每个楼层的每个业务空间分别和别的楼层的每个业务空间判断is_vertically_overlap
# 将结果是true的两个业务空间保存起来
for building_id, floor_map in row_map.items():
checked_floor = set()
for floor_id, type_map in floor_map.items():
for object_type, row_arr in type_map.items():
# 要被对比的楼层
for other_floor_id in floor_map.keys():
if other_floor_id in checked_floor:
other_type_map = floor_map.get(other_floor_id)
if object_type not in other_type_map:
other_row_arr = other_type_map.get(object_type)
for row in row_arr:
for other_row in other_row_arr:
space_id = row['space_id']
other_space_id = other_row['space_id']
if space_id == other_space_id:
if space_id not in space_outline_json_map:
outline_json = json.loads(row['outline'])
space_outline_json_map[space_id] = outline_json
if other_space_id not in space_outline_json_map:
other_outline_json = json.loads(other_row['outline'])
space_outline_json_map[other_space_id] = other_outline_json
outline = space_outline_json_map[space_id]
other_outline = space_outline_json_map[other_space_id]
if is_vertically_overlap(outline, other_outline):
single_result = []
if len(result_arr) == 0:
return True
# 删除旧业务空间的垂直交通关系(自动计算的), 添加新关系
# 将下面对数据库的操作作为一个事务, 出异常则自动rollback
with plpy.subtransaction():
del_plan = plpy.prepare("delete from r_sp_vertical_sp where project_id = $1 and sign = 2", ["text"])
for single_result in result_arr:
del_manual_plan = plpy.prepare("delete from r_sp_vertical_sp where (space_id = $1 and space_other_id = $2) or (space_other_id = $1 and space_id = $2)", ["text", "text"])
del_manual_plan.execute([single_result[0], single_result[1]])
insert_plan = plpy.prepare("insert into r_sp_vertical_sp(space_id, space_other_id, project_id, sign, object_type) values($1, $2, $3, 2, $4)", ["text", "text", "text", "text"])
insert_plan.execute([single_result[0], single_result[1], project_id, single_result[2]])
return True
except Exception as e:
return False
COST 100
计算一个建筑内, 同一业务空间类型下的某几个业务空间的垂直交通关系
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."is_vertically_overlap"("project_id" varchar, "_building_id" varchar, "zone_type" varchar, "space_ids" _varchar)
RETURNS "pg_catalog"."bool" AS $BODY$
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
import json
# 获取Polygon对象
def get_polygon(single_poly):
poly_len = len(single_poly)
poly = []
for i in range(poly_len):
pair = single_poly[i]
poly.append((pair["X"], pair["Y"]))
return Polygon(poly)
# 在polygon1包含polygon2的时候, 检测是否polygon1内的空洞也包含polygon2
def is_include(polygon1, poly2):
length1 = len(polygon1)
for i in range(1, length1):
poly1 = get_polygon(polygon1[i])
if poly1.overlaps(poly2):
return True
except Exception as e:
return False
if poly1.equals(poly2) or poly1.contains(poly2):
return False
return True
def is_sub_outline_overlap(polygon1, polygon2):
poly1 = get_polygon(polygon1[0])
poly2 = get_polygon(polygon2[0])
if poly1.overlaps(poly2) or poly1.equals(poly2):
return True
if poly1.contains(poly2):
return is_include(polygon1, poly2)
if poly2.contains(poly1):
return is_include(polygon2, poly1)
except Exception as e:
return False
return False
# 是否垂直方向上面积有重叠
def is_vertically_overlap(polygon1, polygon2):
length1 = len(polygon1)
length2 = len(polygon2)
if length1 == 0 or length2 == 0:
return False
for i in range(length1):
for j in range(length2):
if is_sub_outline_overlap(polygon1[i], polygon2[j]):
return True
return False
# building_map 结构 building -> floor -> object_type -> [space_id]
def compose_dict(zone_data):
building_map = dict()
for row in zone_data:
building_id = row['building_id']
floor_id = row['floor_id']
object_type = row['object_type']
if building_id not in building_map:
building_map[building_id] = dict()
floor_map = building_map[building_id]
if floor_id not in floor_map:
floor_map[floor_id] = dict()
type_map = floor_map[floor_id]
if object_type not in type_map:
type_map[object_type] = []
arr = type_map[object_type]
return building_map
def build_sql_str(space_ids_set):
sql_str = ""
for space_id in space_ids_set:
sql_str += '\'' + space_id + '\','
if sql_str.endswith(','):
sql_str = sql_str[0:-1]
return sql_str
if len(space_ids) < 1:
plpy.info("no input space_ids")
return True
# 获取建筑下所有的业务空间, 按楼层分类
zone_plan = plpy.prepare("SELECT rel.space_id, fl.building_id, rel.floor_id, rel.object_type, sp.outline FROM r_sp_in_fl rel LEFT JOIN public.floor fl on fl.id = rel.floor_id " +
"left join zone_space_base sp on rel.space_id = sp.id where rel.project_id = $1 and sp.outline is not null and fl.building_id = $2 and sp.object_type = $3", ["text", "text", "text"])
zone_data = zone_plan.execute([project_id, _building_id, zone_type])
plpy.info('all space size : {0}'.format(len(zone_data)))
if len(zone_data) <2:
plpy.info("no enough space to calc")
return True
# 转换space_ids为set类型
space_ids_set = set(space_ids)
row_map = compose_dict(zone_data)
space_outline_json_map = dict()
result_arr = []
# 每个楼层的每个业务空间分别和别的楼层的每个业务空间判断is_vertically_overlap
# 将结果是true的两个业务空间保存起来
for building_id, floor_map in row_map.items():
checked_floor = set()
for floor_id, type_map in floor_map.items():
for object_type, row_arr in type_map.items():
# 要被对比的楼层
for other_floor_id in floor_map.keys():
if other_floor_id in checked_floor:
other_type_map = floor_map.get(other_floor_id)
if object_type not in other_type_map:
other_row_arr = other_type_map.get(object_type)
for row in row_arr:
for other_row in other_row_arr:
space_id = row['space_id']
other_space_id = other_row['space_id']
if space_id not in space_ids_set and other_space_id not in space_ids_set:
if space_id == other_space_id:
if space_id not in space_outline_json_map:
outline_json = json.loads(row['outline'])
space_outline_json_map[space_id] = outline_json
if other_space_id not in space_outline_json_map:
other_outline_json = json.loads(other_row['outline'])
space_outline_json_map[other_space_id] = other_outline_json
outline = space_outline_json_map[space_id]
other_outline = space_outline_json_map[other_space_id]
if is_vertically_overlap(outline, other_outline):
single_result = []
# if len(result_arr) == 0:
# return True
# 删除旧业务空间的垂直交通关系(自动计算的), 添加新关系
# 将下面对数据库的操作作为一个事务, 出异常则自动rollback
with plpy.subtransaction():
sql_str = build_sql_str(space_ids_set)
del_plan = plpy.prepare("delete from r_sp_vertical_sp where space_id in ({0}) or space_other_id in ({0})".format(sql_str), [])
for single_result in result_arr:
#del_manual_plan = plpy.prepare("delete from r_sp_vertical_sp where (space_id = $1 and space_other_id = $2) or (space_other_id = $1 and space_id = $2)", ["text", "text"])
#del_manual_plan.execute([single_result[0], single_result[1]])
insert_plan = plpy.prepare("insert into r_sp_vertical_sp(space_id, space_other_id, project_id, sign, object_type) values($1, $2, $3, 2, $4)", ["text", "text", "text", "text"])
insert_plan.execute([single_result[0], single_result[1], project_id, single_result[2]])
return True
except Exception as e:
return False
COST 100
1. 项目id
true 成功
false 失败